3) Return of the King:
DR: Aragorn or Strider is played as the first character.
So, what happens if both players reveal first Aragorn (or Strider) simultaneously ?
This character has been "played" or not ? (for the deck requirement)
Scenario 3 : Return of the King
Moderator: Darksatin
Grey Haven tournament - succeeded twice, 1 marginal loss, 1 marginal victory and 2 complete victories.
DR: Aragorn or Strider is played as the first character.
WR: 3 of the following cards are successfully played: Army of the Dead, The White Tree, Return of the King, Choice of Luthien.
Backup Scenario : The Rohirrim
DR: none.
WR: Red Arrow, Riders of Rohan, Shadowfax, Great Shield of Rohan and 4 characters with homesite Edoras are in play.
As i wasn't able to make a new deck (lack of time), i just took and made some adjustments to my wife's Gondor deck.
10 Characters :
Aragorn (backup Strider, Ghan Buri Ghan - if not used goes in deck)
Arwen (backup Annalena and Adrazar)
Imrahil (backup Theoden, if not used goes in deck)
Anborn (backup Eowyn)
Cram x 2
5 Characters in deck :
Alatar x 2
17 Ressources :
Houses of Healing
A friend or Three x2
Smoke Rings x2
Path of the Dead x2
Forewarned is Forearmed x2
Dark Quarrels x3
Concealment x3
Flatter a Foe x2
17 MPs :
Choice of Luthien
Return of the king
Men of Anorien
Guards of Minas Thirith
No Strangers at this Time x 2
Noble Steed x2
Noble Hound x2
Sappling x2
Riders of Rohan
Red Arrow
Great Shield of Rohan
Woses of the Druadan Forest
17 Hazards :
Lure of Nature x3
Alone and Unadvised x2
Longing for the west
Despair of the Heart
Lure of creation
Lure of the senses
Lure of opportunity x2
Lure of Power
Foolish Words x3
Many sorrows befall
17 (12) Creatures :
Daelomin at Home
Itangast at Home
Scorba at Home
Skinchangers x 3
Assassin x3
Sellswords x2
Ambusher x2
Sideboard 23 :
Glamour of Surpassing Excellence x2
Wizard Uncloaked x 2
Wizard's Laughter
Army of the Dead (Choice of Luthien or Smoke Rings or Wizard)
Knights of Dol Amroth (Choice of Luthien)
Men of Lamedon (Choice of Luthien)
Men of Lebennin (Choice of Luthien)
Stone of Erech (Choice of Luthien)
Forewarned is Forearmed
The White Tree (Smoke Rings or Wizard)
Torque of Hues
My Precious
Lure of Power
Balance of Things
No Escape from my Magic
Lure of the senses
Rolled down to the sea
7 to add!
DR: Aragorn or Strider is played as the first character.
WR: 3 of the following cards are successfully played: Army of the Dead, The White Tree, Return of the King, Choice of Luthien.
Backup Scenario : The Rohirrim
DR: none.
WR: Red Arrow, Riders of Rohan, Shadowfax, Great Shield of Rohan and 4 characters with homesite Edoras are in play.
As i wasn't able to make a new deck (lack of time), i just took and made some adjustments to my wife's Gondor deck.
10 Characters :
Aragorn (backup Strider, Ghan Buri Ghan - if not used goes in deck)
Arwen (backup Annalena and Adrazar)
Imrahil (backup Theoden, if not used goes in deck)
Anborn (backup Eowyn)
Cram x 2
5 Characters in deck :
Alatar x 2
17 Ressources :
Houses of Healing
A friend or Three x2
Smoke Rings x2
Path of the Dead x2
Forewarned is Forearmed x2
Dark Quarrels x3
Concealment x3
Flatter a Foe x2
17 MPs :
Choice of Luthien
Return of the king
Men of Anorien
Guards of Minas Thirith
No Strangers at this Time x 2
Noble Steed x2
Noble Hound x2
Sappling x2
Riders of Rohan
Red Arrow
Great Shield of Rohan
Woses of the Druadan Forest
17 Hazards :
Lure of Nature x3
Alone and Unadvised x2
Longing for the west
Despair of the Heart
Lure of creation
Lure of the senses
Lure of opportunity x2
Lure of Power
Foolish Words x3
Many sorrows befall
17 (12) Creatures :
Daelomin at Home
Itangast at Home
Scorba at Home
Skinchangers x 3
Assassin x3
Sellswords x2
Ambusher x2
Sideboard 23 :
Glamour of Surpassing Excellence x2
Wizard Uncloaked x 2
Wizard's Laughter
Army of the Dead (Choice of Luthien or Smoke Rings or Wizard)
Knights of Dol Amroth (Choice of Luthien)
Men of Lamedon (Choice of Luthien)
Men of Lebennin (Choice of Luthien)
Stone of Erech (Choice of Luthien)
Forewarned is Forearmed
The White Tree (Smoke Rings or Wizard)
Torque of Hues
My Precious
Lure of Power
Balance of Things
No Escape from my Magic
Lure of the senses
Rolled down to the sea
7 to add!
Just sharing my deck that fits the Return of the King scenario. This deck goes for The White Tree, Return of the King, and Choice of Luthien, but not Army of the Dead.
I have been working on this deck for a while now, going through numerous changes. But my idea was to collect Gondor factions using Aragorn and Arwen and then use agents to discard my opponents factions (good Sense Revolts, He Will Not Come Down), hopefully dropping their faction MP to 0 to double mine (though I haven't been able to really pull this off).
Once you get to Gondor, I use Secret Entrance to avoid Assassins. I also include several low-mind Minas Tirith allies that can tap to cancel assassins. And then you have Dark Quarrels to cancel the last attack.
1 Cram
1 Elven Cloak
1 Aragorn II (Cram)
1 Arwen (Elven Cloak)
1 Glorfindel II
Characters (8+3)
1 Adrazar
1 Anborn
1 Beregond
1 Boromir II
1 Celeborn
1 Forlong
1 Imrahil
1 Ioreth
3 Alatar
Resources: 30
Ally (1)
1 Nenseldë the Wingild
Faction (4)
1 Knights of Dol Amroth
1 Men of Anórien
1 Men of Lebennin
1 Woses of the Drúadan Forest
Greater Item (1)
1 Scroll of Isildur
Major Item (3)
3 Sapling of the White Tree
Permanent-event (9)
1 Choice of Lúthien
3 Fireworks
2 Houses of Healing
1 Return of the King
1 Sentinels of Númenor
1 The White Tree
Short-event (11)
3 Dark Quarrels
3 Marvels Told
3 Secret Entrance
2 Stealth
Special Item (1)
1 Palantír of Minas Tirith
Hazards: 30
Agent (8)
1 Deallus
1 Drór
1 Fori the Beardless
1 Lobelia Sackville-Baggins
1 Nimloth
1 Pôn-ora-Pôn
1 Râisha
1 Woffung
Creature (8)
1 "Bert" - Bûrat
1 "Tom" - Tûma
1 "William" - Wûluag
3 Cave-drake
2 Giant Spiders
Permanent-event (2)
2 Foolish Words
Permanent-event/Short-event (2)
2 Nobody's Friend
Short-event (10)
3 Good Sense Revolts
2 Muster Disperses
1 River
2 Twilight
2 Will not Come Down
Sideboard: 27
Hazard (6)
1 Good Sense Revolts
1 Muster Disperses
2 Twisted Tales
2 Your Welcome Is Doubtful
Resource (21)
1 Align Palantír
1 Angmarim
1 Beornings
1 Elves of Lindon
1 Ents of Fangorn
1 Lossoth
1 Men of Anfalas
1 Men of Lamedon
1 Nûrniags
1 Petty-dwarves
1 Rangers of Ithilien
1 Riders of Rohan
3 Tempering Friendship
1 The Great Eagles
3 Wizard's Voice
1 Woodmen
1 Woses of the Eryn Vorn
I have been working on this deck for a while now, going through numerous changes. But my idea was to collect Gondor factions using Aragorn and Arwen and then use agents to discard my opponents factions (good Sense Revolts, He Will Not Come Down), hopefully dropping their faction MP to 0 to double mine (though I haven't been able to really pull this off).
Once you get to Gondor, I use Secret Entrance to avoid Assassins. I also include several low-mind Minas Tirith allies that can tap to cancel assassins. And then you have Dark Quarrels to cancel the last attack.
1 Cram
1 Elven Cloak
1 Aragorn II (Cram)
1 Arwen (Elven Cloak)
1 Glorfindel II
Characters (8+3)
1 Adrazar
1 Anborn
1 Beregond
1 Boromir II
1 Celeborn
1 Forlong
1 Imrahil
1 Ioreth
3 Alatar
Resources: 30
Ally (1)
1 Nenseldë the Wingild
Faction (4)
1 Knights of Dol Amroth
1 Men of Anórien
1 Men of Lebennin
1 Woses of the Drúadan Forest
Greater Item (1)
1 Scroll of Isildur
Major Item (3)
3 Sapling of the White Tree
Permanent-event (9)
1 Choice of Lúthien
3 Fireworks
2 Houses of Healing
1 Return of the King
1 Sentinels of Númenor
1 The White Tree
Short-event (11)
3 Dark Quarrels
3 Marvels Told
3 Secret Entrance
2 Stealth
Special Item (1)
1 Palantír of Minas Tirith
Hazards: 30
Agent (8)
1 Deallus
1 Drór
1 Fori the Beardless
1 Lobelia Sackville-Baggins
1 Nimloth
1 Pôn-ora-Pôn
1 Râisha
1 Woffung
Creature (8)
1 "Bert" - Bûrat
1 "Tom" - Tûma
1 "William" - Wûluag
3 Cave-drake
2 Giant Spiders
Permanent-event (2)
2 Foolish Words
Permanent-event/Short-event (2)
2 Nobody's Friend
Short-event (10)
3 Good Sense Revolts
2 Muster Disperses
1 River
2 Twilight
2 Will not Come Down
Sideboard: 27
Hazard (6)
1 Good Sense Revolts
1 Muster Disperses
2 Twisted Tales
2 Your Welcome Is Doubtful
Resource (21)
1 Align Palantír
1 Angmarim
1 Beornings
1 Elves of Lindon
1 Ents of Fangorn
1 Lossoth
1 Men of Anfalas
1 Men of Lamedon
1 Nûrniags
1 Petty-dwarves
1 Rangers of Ithilien
1 Riders of Rohan
3 Tempering Friendship
1 The Great Eagles
3 Wizard's Voice
1 Woodmen
1 Woses of the Eryn Vorn