Wizard choosing rule (modification)

To fulfill a scenario a player has to meet all deck building requirements during the whole game, and additionally the winning requirements for a certain scenario at the end of a game. There are 16 wizard scenarios and 6 ringwraith scenarios...

Moderator: Darksatin

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I propose a modification to the rule of the choice of the wizards. If a player chooses a wizard, he must really put 3 copies of this Avatar into his deck (showing them to his opponent).

* Before each game, each player makes a 2 dice-roll. The player with the highest roll can choose his Wizard/Ringwraith (so, he can put 3 copies of his Avatar into his deck). The other player must choose another Wizard/Ringwraith and chooses also to play first (or not), but before the character draft. (Belgian variant)

* Before each game, each player makes a 2 dice-roll. The player with the highest roll can choose his Wizard/Ringwraith (so, he put 3 copies of his Avatar into his deck, showing them to his opponent), or he can choose to play first (or not), but before the character draft.
If necessary, the other player must choose another Wizard/Ringwraith (he discards the copies of the same Avatar). If his opponent has not chosen to play first (or not), he can choose this option. (from a Belgian variant)
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Not bad, but it still forces you to put 3 wizards in your deck. Except when playing wizardless, does everyone play with 3 wizards (I do but i just wonder whether I have missed something, i.e. Do some decks work better with only 1 or 2 copies?)

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gollum51 wrote:Not bad, but it still forces you to put 3 wizards in your deck. Except when playing wizardless, does everyone play with 3 wizards (I do but i just wonder whether I have missed something, i.e. Do some decks work better with only 1 or 2 copies?)
You are not forced to put 3 Wizards in your deck : you can choose to play first (or not).
I don't think that some decks work better with only 1 or 2 copies (never heard of that).
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Darksatin wrote:I propose a modification to the rule of the choice of the wizards. If a player chooses a wizard, he must really put 3 copies of this Avatar into his deck (showing them to his opponent).

* Before each game, each player makes a 2 dice-roll. The player with the highest roll can choose his Wizard/Ringwraith (so, he put 3 copies of his Avatar into his deck, showing them to his opponent), or he can choose to play first (or not), but before the character draft.
If necessary, the other player must choose another Wizard/Ringwraith (he discards the copies of the same Avatar). If his opponent has not chosen to play first (or not), he can choose this option. (from a Belgian variant)

Rules modified 12 may 2015
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