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New hero scenario: the glory of Arnor restored

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 2:29 pm
by gollum51
I thought a potential scenario about restoring the kingdom of Arnor.
Before posting I checked the Annuminas site card in the "A long expected party" booklet and realised that they were proposing a scenario called "the glory of Arthedain restored" (hence the name of this proposal).

So here is what I had in mind:
DR: only characters with a home site in Eriador can be played. The Annuminas site from ICE's "a long-expected party" is legal in this scenario
- restore the capital ( the white tree is in play in Annuminas, Rangers of the north is in play)
- re-establish the link with Gondor (palantir of Annuminas is either in play at Annuminas or has been stored in Annuminas. Alternatively Palantir of Amon Sul is in play at Weathertop)
- create outposts in Rhudaur (Hillmen is in play or "rebuild the town" is in play on a site in Rhudaur) and in Cardolan (rebuild the town is in play on a site in Cardolan)
- remove the threat from Angmar (tower raided has been in play during a end of turn phase and the witch-king is not in play)

Any remark/suggestion?

Re: New hero scenario: the glory of Arnor restored

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 7:15 pm
by Mordakai
Where to play the Tower Raided? It's Illegal playing it at Witch King's home, as it is a [-me_dh-], unless you rule specifically in this scenario...

Re: New hero scenario: the glory of Arnor restored

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 7:38 pm
by gollum51
Thanks for the comment. I meant "on a site in Angmar" i.e. Mount Gram.

Re: New hero scenario: the glory of Arnor restored

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 10:42 am
by Darksatin
Here is the Annuminas site from the "Long-expected party" booklet. The same card exists in the dreamcard set "Kingdom of the North".


But a principle of the Hamburger scenarios is to use only the official cards, and not modify them.

Moreover, this scenario conflicts with the scenario "Return of the King" (as "The White Tree" is unique). But may be it is not a bad thing...

Re: New hero scenario: the glory of Arnor restored

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 9:11 pm
by Fangorn
From a map point of vue (but not politically), Weathertop is the center of Arnor.
He could be thus be used for the scenario.