My question is: could Mistress Lobelia, (with quite a lucky roll) be played at Barrow-downs? It's quite a counterintuitive scenario, but....
Here, There, or Yonder
Allies' movement restrictions are normally region-based, and HToY works correctely with them. Although, Mistress Lobelia movement restrictions are site-based:Tap a character during his site phase at a tapped or untapped Ruins & Lairs [R]. Make a roll (or draw a #) modified by +3 if character is a diplomat. An ally may be played and placed under the character's control if the result is greater than 6 plus the ally's mind stat and the ally is not restricted from moving in this site's region. If an ally is played, tap the site if it is not already tapped.
Let's say that I'm at Barrowdowns (or Wothy Hills, or Tharbad) and I play Here, There, or Yonder. Is Mistress Lobelia "restricted from moving in this site's region? That is "restricted from moving in Cardolan"? The answer would be: no (i.e. Old Forest) . Thus, playing Lobelia would be legal. Am I right?Unique. Manifestation of Lobelia Sackville-Baggins. May only be played at Bag End or Bree. Discard this card if her company moves to any site other than Bree, Old Forest, The White Towers, or a site in The Shire. Tap Mistress Lobelia to search your discard pile or play deck for any one item, ally, or faction playable at her current site. Place the resource in your hand and reshuffle your play deck.
The only other ally whose movement restriction is site-base rather than region-based is the Barlog, but no fw may include him in his deck, so no issue arises.
ps: Could someone say (in a blatanly dishonest, but formally correct way) that Mistress Lobelia is not restricted even from moving in Withered Heat? Her movement restriction say nothing about regions. From her card's text, one could only argue (this is the key term), that he must discar her if her company moves in any other region than Arthedain, The Shire and Cardolan...