I'm re-posting this message that came over the Silent Tower mailing list.
Hello! Anyone local or semi-local to the west coast of the USA. We will have a few people who play Middle-Earth together, so I thought I'd send this email out to see if anyone else was in the area and/or wanted to come. We will be playing some meccg, similar to Red Arrow Ben's descriptions of the casual meet at Gene's house. In fact, Gene is planning on coming up for a visit, where much Middle Earth will be played. This is why I'm sending out this email--just to let people know it's happening and when.
Time: 10 a.m. UNTIL ??
Location: ALBANY, OREGON (Skye and Sean's house)
Our contact information is: Skye and Sean Sandborgh, Albany, Oregon. Email: montanaskye@hotmail.com and sandboxx@gmail.com . We currently have 4 people definitely playing together: Skye, Sean, Gene, Rhys (Skye's brother)
US Oregon MECCG Meetup - Nov. 2 - 3
All events or gatherings other than GCCG, Lure, & Worlds.
- Posts: 253
- Joined: Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:49 am
I can't make this one, but next time, who knows?
Next time I head up to Brookings to visit family, I will give a shout. It would be great to play with you all again.
Next time I head up to Brookings to visit family, I will give a shout. It would be great to play with you all again.
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