Grishnakh's Trading list / Trading @ Lure 2019

Everything related to buying, selling or trading your MECCG.
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Posts: 203
Joined: Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:08 pm

Hi ME game-dudes,
attached you will find my updated (02.2019) tradinglists.

May be some one can help me out with my last "wants" or need some of my "haves"?
Soon we can meet us @ the Lure in Bacharach to finish our trade.

I'm willing to sell my "haves" too, for a fairly offer.

I have 1 trade in work, so my lists will change a little bit in the next 2 days, I hope!

But never the less...let's trade!!!

Grishnakh / Heiko [-me_eye-]
Heiko / Grishnakh
Posts: 203
Joined: Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:08 pm

Forgot to mentioned that I have nearly every C, U and F -card from every edition in german and english!

I someone need some of them, just let me know!

Heiko / Grishnakh
Heiko / Grishnakh
Posts: 14
Joined: Mon Apr 02, 2018 6:24 pm

Hi Heiko,

What does (LCD) mean in your list, please?


Posts: 203
Joined: Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:08 pm

Hi Matt,
"LCD in my list means = I need that card for the "Lost Challange Decks".
So they have not my highest priority, 'cause I can play them with proxies too, but if can trade them, it will be better :)

Also I will add here my updated (02.2019-2) trading lists...
, after some good trades!
Remember, I'm also willing to sell all that cards I have to trade (just make me an offer!)...and also I have nearly every C, U and F cards of any edition in english and german, just let me know, if you need some ofthem too.

Let's have fun in trading ;)

Heiko / Grishnakh [-me_eye-]
Heiko / Grishnakh
Posts: 203
Joined: Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:08 pm

Here is my last Update (2.2019-3) before Lure of my Wanted- and Have-list after some trades!

I added a lot of TW, WH and BA cards to my Havelist!
And searching some more sites in my Wantlist!

Feel free to mail offers to me.

Heiko / Grishnakh [-me_eye-]
Heiko / Grishnakh
Posts: 203
Joined: Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:08 pm

Here comes the actually update of my trading lists after the great Lure.
I'm still searching for around 18 cards + "The One Ring" in any Language ;)

Also I have a lot of Haves in German, englisch and some different languages in the end.
I'm willing to sell them too.

Just feel free to make an offer to me!

Heiko / Grishnakh
Heiko / Grishnakh
Posts: 182
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Location: Finland

Thanks for a smooth trade!
Monkey drinks masters wine. Do you like drunken monkey?
Posts: 203
Joined: Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:08 pm

Here are my updated lists again, after some great trades.
Thanks to all!!!

But I still have a lot of Rare cards from TW to BA, just check out my have list and make an offer to me ;)

With respect,
Heiko / Grishnakh [-me_eye-]
Heiko / Grishnakh
Posts: 203
Joined: Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:08 pm

Hi folks of ME,

after another trade and getting some AS and more cards to trade, her is my latest update now.

Thanks to Containerguy and Taladhan!

Check the lists (here) and feel free to make an offer.
I'm selling all my Rares too.

Heiko / Grishnakh
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