Physical DCs - Nuriag?

Moderators: Vastor Peredhil, Thorsten the Traveller

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Hi all -- thank you to the West and back for all of your hard work making these printings a reality. Ditto to everything that everyone else has said about how amazing these cards are.

Question: When playing with physical Dream Cards to date, should players assume that the Khand-Nurn-Horse Plains thoroughfare still exists, since we don't yet have a physical copy of Nuriag? Or will that "break" the balance of something or other, and we should go by the provided map despite not having a region card to move through if playing with region cards? I guess a similar question would apply to traveling through Sea of Rhun, or really any of the regions for which region cards haven't yet been printed...

Thanks again!!
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I"m not sure what the official word is, but my group plays based on the map, using the extra regions. It mixes things up and requires different strategies.
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Thorsten the Traveller
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The last person to use region cards for company movement was sighted at an event in 1997 I believe :wink:

We do like region cards, however, and created some DC cards that actually use them (Growing Shadow, Orc-garrison), but not for movement.

So I would just use the DC map for movement. Instead of via Nurn you move via Nuriag, which is actually safer if you travel around Mordor (meaning Gorgoroth/Nurn), though longer if you travel into Mordor. It's not really an issue of balance, we thought the map around Mordor wasn't geographically accurate, in terms of distance covered per movement.

All new printed regions thusfar are within the standard map or adjacent to it, and we stuck to printing regions that actually have a new site in them, otherwise where does one draw the line?
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Thorsten the Traveller wrote:The last person to use region cards for company movement was sighted at an event in 1997 I believe :wink:
May 2019 at least Image

Though some players here don't even need to use site cards anymore.

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Cool, and yeah that was my assumption — our group certainly doesn't use region cards lol — but appreciate the clarification!
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