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Joined: Mon Apr 02, 2018 6:24 pm

Hi all,

I'm in the UK. I was a player and collector from just after the original launch of the game – started with the Unlimited Edition set, then collected Dragons onwards from launch. I used to play four or five player games most weekends for a couple of years through the main run of the game – I was less active through the White Hand and Against the Shadow era, but am lucky enough to have pretty much everything else, including both Balrog sets.

I've been refreshing my memory and looking back over the sets while re-organising them (a lot of my cards had been living in their decks stashed away in boxes for a few years) and even filling in a few gaps.

I still love that Middle-earth is a CCG with storytelling at its heart – maybe it's overly complex and a bit of a sprawling mess in some ways, but to me that all seems to be a product of a really earnest, sincere attempt to incorporate everything that's always made Tolkien so intriguing and so compelling for so many people. The sets all feel like real labours of love and I've really enjoyed rediscovering them.

But… it seems like there aren't an awful lot of active players or collectors in the UK – at least not that I can see from this forum. Any tips?

All the best,

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Khamul the Easterling
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Welcome to the Forum!
You might consider being listed on the Global players list (contact the Jabberwock for this purpose). The longer it gets, the easier to find other fellows nearby.
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Joined: Sun Feb 25, 2018 7:12 pm

Hello there, I am a brand new player. In fact, I got my very first game in last night by playing the Introductory match from the two player set, teaching a buddy as we went. We both enjoyed the experience and will be playing again this coming Tuesday.

I played Magic back in the early 2000's but got out of it after my playing group split. I dabbled in the Star Wars: Destiny scene last year and got out when I realized their aggressive release schedule was going to bankrupt anyone trying to keep up. I also play the Final Fantasy Trading Card Game super-casual with one buddy who is really into the game.

But this...this is my game here. That one play last night confirmed it, and it cemented its status alongside the Lord of the Rings LCG as the game my buddy and I will be playing every time we're together.
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Joined: Sat Jun 16, 2018 9:48 am

Hello all,

Long term UK based MECCG player from back in the day. Was very active including organising tournaments and running our council (Council of Bree). Haven't played in years but kept all my cards.

Due to travelling a lot with work recently ive gotten into playing solitaire scenarios. Just pack a deck in my bag and keeps me occupied.

Forgot how much I lpved this game. Might have to take my cheesy Balrog deck to a tournament somewhere :twisted:

Good to see the game is still being played and the Council Of Elrond is still in operation.
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U.S. collector/player her, I've lurked these forums occasionally for years without joining for some reason. I collected when the game was out, and even with everything life throws at you my Middle-Earth cards were the one thing I could never bring myself to get rid of. Over the last couple of years I have been slowly trying to complete my sets. I'm always looking for collections at garage sales or thrift stores, and though I rarely (if ever anymore) find anything, I still tell myself that one day I'll find that box that's been buried in someones attic.
I recently played a game with another experienced player I know and 4 newbies, and it was a blast. Now I/m trying to build more decks so we can have more variety the next time we play.
One of these days I'll get around to posting a want list and my available dupes. [-me_eye-]
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Joined: Thu Jul 05, 2018 4:55 pm

Hey everyone,

for the last three years eight paper boxes full of cards were enjoying a stay in my wardrobe. A neighbor came over one day and handed me some Lord of the Rings stuff since she knew I love tabletops and PnP. Due to work I didn't care much, but I started experimenting with new systems for a few months now. On Monday I remembered that there are antique cards hidden somewhere.

I called a friend, packed a huge pack with those card boxes and went over to his house. Google gave us some decks to start with and we started to look through the masses of artwork to find the damn pieces we needed just to play a simple beginners match. Somehow it excited me anyways. We played again and today I made yet another friend fall in love, too.

Games haven't been fair. New decks were needed, but finding anything in this mess was no option to me. I spent like 2.5 days sorting, counting and listing everything I got. Seems like I am the proud owner of 5638 cards of MECCG. Additionally there are 50 Boosters of METD, 1 Pack of MELE and the red box of the Balrog set, factory-sealed and hidden in a box.

Here I am. 22. With more playing cards than I am able to carry at once and not a single clue how to play with them. Advise is hoped for ;)
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Well, welcome! :D

The most success I've seen for people picking sufficient rules up is to hang out with other people that already know how to play for a game or two. If you head over to the regional boards you might find some folks nearby, or often if people are traveling they'll check there as well. viewforum.php?f=72

Otherwise, there are always the rulebooks! Start with The Wizards one, which was where the game began; it helpfully splits out a "starter" section for your first games.

Alternatively, sell your Balrog set and retire young. :P
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Indeed, finding someone who already knows the game is usually the best option. Where do you live?
And if there is no meccg gamer nearby, there is always the Lure of middle earth event in Germany. It is an amazing event and many people (including myself) found it a great place to learn.

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Joined: Thu Oct 25, 2018 2:45 pm
Location: Warsaw, Poland

Hi All,

not such a new player as it might seem from the number of posts. First time I get in touch with ME CCG community attending Polish Open :) Championship in Lomna, spring 2014. Quite an unforgettable experience, I must say.
Get in love with the game since then, still playing as a beginner through :)

Good to see that the game is still alive. Happy draws guys!
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Location: Texas, USA

Hello all I'm from Texas. I've known about MECCG for a few years but didn't get into it until now. My current goal is to get one copy of each unique card and site card, and to get three copies of every other card (Wizards and Ringwraiths included, region cards excluded). I also play The Lord of the Rings Card Game by FFG.
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Welcome! Are you more thinking to collect Middle Earth or are you also interested in playing and deck building?

Collections of cards pop up here, BGG, Facebook, and eBay. That might be a good place to start. Many members here trade/sell singles. I've found that it's fairly easy to find the original The Wizards set online. Definitely start your collection there.

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Joined: Tue Nov 12, 2019 4:05 am

Hi everyone!

Australian player and lifelong Tolkien fan here. I’ve gotten back into the game recently (though I first started collecting way back in the early 2000s, and idiotically never picked up any Balrog cards during that time period). I like making silly gimmick decks. I have a fairly decent collection (full sets of Wizards Unlimited, the Dragons, Dark Minions and The White Hand, most of the Lidless Eye, and, thanks to Gwaihir, a German set of Against the Shadows). I’m definitely more of a player than a collector though; that said, getting a Balrog set is a definite ambition of mine.
My favourite card, despite her quality, is Galva. I just love the art. I have a few copies of her in different languages.

Anyway, that’s enough introduction. It’s a pleasure to meet you all!
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Welcome Minasan! Galva is a favorite of yours? Funny because it seems that I am a favorite of hers! For some reason I have a way more copies of her than other rares (I was just reorganizing this weekend).

By the way, there are a few of us playing games and chatting over at You can also use it to review all of the published cards and a ton of Dream Cards.
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Joined: Tue Apr 14, 2020 8:20 am


I am a returning Norwegian player. I fell in love with this game as a kid in the late 90s, but never had enough money to pick up more than a couple of starters and some boosters. As the expansions started dropping I couldn't keep up with the local playing group and eventually stopped playing. Every other year or so I'd take the cards out and look at them, but there was never enough to make several balanced decks. Since moving in 2016, however, I haven't been able to find my old cards.

Since then, though, I've been badgering an old friend about his collection, and last year I was finally able to get him to sell his Wizards and Dragons card to me. Now I've been sorting and organizing and constructing decks based on online suggestions. Some of my friends have tried the game, and others are interested. I've ordered a large PVC map based on one of the wonderful map-files I've found at this forum and elsewhere, and I think 2020 will be my best MECCG-playing year ever : )

And through the facebook-group I was able to locate other Norwegian players, and I'm now in the middle of my first trade-by-mail card exchange : )

I have to say I'm very impressed and thankful for all the love and effort being poured into this game in this community!

all the best,
Posts: 10
Joined: Fri Dec 06, 2019 9:03 am

Hi, I'm NicKO from Spain. I play and collect cards in Spanish since they came out when I was still living in Argentina ... When I moved to Spain I left them aside and a few months ago I realized that I was missing 3 White Hand cards and 7 Against the Shadow both collections in Spanish .... From there I bought a very large batch of cards in which the missing cards came and the rest I sell them to recover the investment. but now I started to get the promotional cards with different illustrations and I only need one ... and since I was there I made a collection of White Hand in English and when I finished it right away I started collecting The Wizards in Finnish ... hehehe ... I think I won't be able to stop because now I also want all the promotions in all the languages ​​... and later I don't know what else it will be ... I don't know if I can stop until they kick me out ... well, and this is me when it comes to MECCG.
And by the way, I already stepped on my list of cards in MARKETPLACE
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