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Hello all,

My name is John France.

Long term UK based MECCG player from back in the day. Was very active including organising tournaments and running our council (Council of Bree). Haven't played in years but kept all my cards.

Due to travelling a lot with work recently ive gotten into playing solitaire scenarios. Just pack a deck in my bag and keeps me occupied. Only way I have managed to play the game in recent years.

Forgot how much I loved this game. Ive started playing again on Cardnum and really like the software. Will take me a few games but Ill get the hang of it but ill get there.

Good to see the game is still being played and the Council Of Elrond is still in operation. I used to have the name Baduila on this forum years ago.
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Location: Lino lakes, Minnesota


My name is Scott. New MECCG player from Minnesota, USA. I purchased the set of challenger decks over a year ago, but only tried to play once. Recently got the Wizard's Companion and that is much easier to read and learn the game from than the tiny included rulebooks in the challenger decks :D

Looking forward to playing with some friends once the quarantine situation has lessened, as well as potentially meeting new people in my area. Nice to meet you all! 8)
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Location: Gothenburg, Sweden

Hey everyone,

My name is Stefan, new player based in Belgrade, Serbia, although I can quite often be found in Gothenburg, Sweden due to work.

I was introduced to the game in the early 2000's by a friend with whom I regularly played the LotR TCG (Decipher). Loved it immediately, but have not had the time and money to dedicate to it, so it had to wait.

Recently I have completed my LotR LCG collection and have decided that it is about time I got into MECCG. What finally pushed me into it was the realization that it is playable solo, which is a huge plus for me due to travelling a lot, since solo games keep me entertained on the road.

Happy to see that the game is still alive and that the community is nice and engaging! I'll try to spare some time and contribute, probably via a blog where I plan to document my journey through Middle Earth. Hopefully other beginners find that useful.

In any case, good to be here!
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I'm David from Ohio in the USA, and I originally started playing in 1999. However, I was 12 then, the local scene was nonexistent, and my dad bought all the boxes that my local shops were liquidating for my brother, best friend, and I so that we wouldn't play Pokemon or Magic (because of the devil or something). My brother and friend got bored quickly, because the Star Wars CCG still was getting new cards and was easier, so I ended up with their collections, and those collections have been sitting in a giant box that I've carted around for 20 years.

I dug out my stuff this summer after the Team Covenant streams. I had almost complete sets of The Wizards and The Dragons along with a smattering of Lidless Eye, Dark Minions, and about 2 packs worth of Against the Shadow, so of course the only logical thing was to buy a box of challenge decks and a box of White Hand boosters.

Over the years, I've played a lot of other CCGs (big ones are Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Magic, Ophidian 2350 and the Game of Thrones and Call of Cthulhu LCGs), and do have to say that the article on card advantage in the Middle Earth: the Wizards Players Guide was instrumental in my understanding of CCGs. Its something I came back to again and again over the years.
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Joined: Thu Aug 27, 2020 9:29 am

Hi all!

I'm Alex from Athens Greece. Returning novice player since '96 when the unlimited series came out! This game brings back some fond memories from the University days and the movie franchise!

I recently dusted off my modest collection and brought a challenge deck box and some other goodies! Now all I need is someone to play with... :shock: :? 8) I will be hitting up cardnum in the near future but would love find someone local to play with! So if any of you are feel free to PM me! :D

If not then see you peeps online!
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I can probably help. Email is on the way to you ...
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Joined: Fri Sep 04, 2020 6:39 pm
Location: Strasbourg, Fr

Hello all!

I'm Martin, (wanabee) new player from Strasbourg, France.

Just discovered MECCG while I was digging for old CCGs, and I imediately fell in love both for the art and rules of this one. I'm also trying to bring some friends and bind them in dark... the game. I'm not really into collecting and reassembling sets, rather trying to build some decks and play the game.

I'm glad to discover this community that you all put together!
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Hello all,

I am Scott from the Southwest in the U.S.A. I have rediscovered this game after my wonderful brother (he really got into CCG when they first came out), who procured me a complete set of METW limited in the late 90’s.

I love what so many have done with this game over the years, kudos.

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Hello there,

I am Marc, from France/Italy now leaving in Belfast. I first got into this game in 1996 but back then I lived in a small town without anyone to play but by girlfriend at the at that time. Since then I played mostly online in the early 2000s, thanks to the great NetMETW windows platform, which I still regard as one of the best for a smooth, easy-to-pick-up way of playing online. I then got sidetrack with playing the LotR TCG since at least there I had the chance to play competitively in the UK. Then in 2010 I moved to Paris for a few years and met Dominique, Ernst and other great people from the French community, even taking part to a super-fun tournament in Nantes. Work responsibilities, family & babies makes it hard to find the time to play these days, but if I can I now squeeze in a game or two through Cardnum.

Needless to say, this is by FAR my favourite game (not just among CCG). Yet, over the years I came to realise another very interest aspect to it: all the people involved in MECCG that I met are truly nice and friendly people! Maybe that's no accident and the result of this common passion for MECCG.

As a player I play mostly METW, TD and DM since I really never tried other alignment than Hero. But to be honest, I'm quite content to play the good guys in the little time I have at the moment.

Best wishes,
“The wide world is all about you: you can fence yourselves in, but you cannot forever fence it out.”
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Joined: Mon Nov 25, 2019 1:51 am

Thought I'd introduce myself here since I started hanging about again.

My name's Adam, I'm from New Jersey. I got into the game years ago, in the late 90s, becuase I was on a MTG kick and one of my magic buddies introduced me to it. Fell in love with the game's complexity and depth, but I always had trouble finding people to play against. Hung around for a few years at a small scene at my local game store, but it eventually dried up. Returned to it (more in the sense of puttering around with my cards when I was cleaning and stumbled across them than anything serious) a few times, the most recently a few weeks back when going stir-crazy trying to find something to do with the covid restrictions, and did some solitaire scenarios recommended on this site.

I would love to play more online, although I suspect that I won't be very good with the meta moving on so far past what I was used to. Where I was playing, it was dominated by Wizards, The Dragons, and Dark Minions, and Lidless eye was this weird new thing when the scene died down. I never played a non-hero company, although I did play against some ringwraith groups. I would also be interested if there was a sort of guide for players like myself, who were reasonably experienced with the game a long long time ago.

I have a few other gaming interests, most notably World in Flames, which is an even bigger, more complicated dive through the rabbit's hole than this.

Best wishes,
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Really happy this forum exists.

I'm Charles, from Iowa in the United States. I started playing/collecting MECCG a couple of years ago. Lifelong Tolkien fan and CCG player. MECCG is by far my favorite CCG of all of the ~18 I've played and collected.

Never played online, but I have a sizeable collection of physical cards. I've tried to foster a local scene by giving out decks to new players with some limited success. I love playing FW, just adore the depth of customization available and the wacky concept decks that are possible. Very curious about Dreamcards, which I did not previously know much about.

Excited to connect with other players and discuss cards/rules.
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Joined: Fri Feb 22, 2019 9:36 am

Hi everyone!

I´m Roy (Yordlovyn) from Norway. Started playing when the game came out and a friend introduced me to it many years ago. Without youtube or any experienced players we didn´t really get the hang of playing. We loved the idea of playing it and gave it a lot of tries spending more time searching the rule book than actually playing :D

Then the cards lay dormant for many years until I thought about them again while reading The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings for my kids. I gradually introduced them to the game and occasionally I still get them to play a game with me. My friend, whom introduced the game to me, and I still play a few times a year. In addition I play solo quite often. With the aid of internet and youtube I think we have a fairly good grasp of the rules :)

I feel I'm getting more and more addicted to both MECCG and all things Tolkien. My project now is to try to get a complete collection of most sets in English. Sadly I cannot afford to buy everything I want, so Balrog is probably out of the question and the holes in my ATS-set will probably stay unattended.

Grateful for this wonderful community :)
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I am Yannis from Greece. I started mainly collecting the cards as a Tolkien fan in 2015. The last 3 years I have been also started playing the game regularly. Me, aleaax and two other guys from Athens, Greece have created a small play-group and gather to play when we have the time.

Anyone located in Athens please feel free to contact us to possibly expand our play-group. :D
Trotter was my name ere I was conceived as Man
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Well met, all!

I'm Philip Carroll, but feel free to call me Phil or Nimrandir. I've been using that handle since the old ICE mailing list, based on my obsession with making a mobile hero Saruman deck work. Also, yes, I have been around MECCG that long, though not continuously.

I got into the grand old game in college, where I found out through the mailing list that I happened to live in a hotbed of tournament activity. I played regularly through the fall of ICE but drifted away from the game as my classes and other campus commitments got more challenging.

I found my way back while I was in graduate school. I got involved with the Washington, D.C. playgroup (which was nowhere near my university, by the way) and played a bunch of NetMECCG against folks like Josh Grace. He eventually talked me into serving on the Council of Elrond from 2003 through 2005. After an inexplicable fifth-place finish at the Atlanta Worlds and the end of my tenure on the Council, I once again tucked my cards into storage and pursued other interests.

During COVID restrictions, I decided to bust out my collection again when my son expressed an interest in the game. So I'm back. Again. I think. I am back, right?
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Joined: Wed Jul 26, 2023 11:54 pm


I recently re-discovered MECCG by booting up an online game and playing with the 'Lackey' online card table and plug in. It worked great. I'd really like to play MECCG more and looking for anyone to play online with.
I'm in southern Illinois, USA - don't see anyone right nearby on the players map but do see two people in St Louis.
Although, I really don't have a physical card collection. Would be great to meet in person but would have to borrow cards so online is the only way I can play from that standpoint.

The games I played with my friend online we just used Wizards and a few Dragons cards so we wouldn't be overwhelmed with the entire universe.

So yeah, MECCG - definitely a great game. Please hit me up if you're looking to play some online games.
I'm 39 and been out of any CCG's for a long time, but was really into a few of them in my teens.

My favorite was SW:CCG and thinking about finding some players for that as well since it does have a bit of an active community.
Also - it had a pretty small player base - but Highlander CCG/TCG was a great one.
And Netrunner, although I didn't get to get into that as much due to no real local player base.

Take care guys, it's nice to see these old games are still 'alive'.
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