Saruman's Machinery - playable vs may be played

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Konrad Klar
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The White Hand: Saruman's Machinery
Rarity: Rare, Precise: R3

Resource: Permanent-event

Saruman specific. Playable, if you are Saruman, on your protected Isengard or your protected The White Towers. One technology item is playable at the site during your site phase whether the site is tapped or untapped. Discard when this site is discarded or returned to your location deck. Cannot be duplicated on a given site.
What exactly "One technology item is playable at the site during your site phase whether the site is tapped or untapped." means?
Minor items are playable at Ettenmoors. Are they playable there depending on whether the Ettenmoors is tapped or not?
May Strider or Mistress Lobelia (controlled by Fallen Radagast) at tapped Ettenmoors tap to search for minor item?
If Saruman's Machinery is on The White Towers and one technology item has been played at the site during current site phase, may Mistress Lobelia tap to search for one technology item (still in the same site phase)?
We will not speak of such things even in the morning of the Shire.
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Bandobras Took
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Playability may exist by rule, by text on the card to be played, or by another card's ability. Saruman's Machinery (and Untimely Brood) create a numbered limit, after which they do not allow playability any more. I would say that Mistress Lobelia cannot search for tech after the one item has been played, but could search for any number of tech cards (if you have means of untapping Mistress Lobelia) at any time in the turn before using Machinery's ability.
The game is flawed, but this does not mean it cannot be loved.
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Konrad Klar
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Location: Wałbrzych, Poland

Be strict or be not strict.

Strictly "One technology item" is playable and is playable during your site phase. Is not playable during M/H phase.

Or give up "playable", replace it with "may be played".
We will not speak of such things even in the morning of the Shire.
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