[Deck Necromancer] Gaurhir the Werewolf

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This deck is based on my favorite villain of MERP books, Gaurhir.
He was a tough opponent during the role-playing campaign at the Gates of Mordor, and kept harassing players during later adventures.

Gaurhir is one of the most faithful servant of Sauron.
As a werewolf, he was probably the lieutenant of Tol-in-Gaurhoth during the First Age.
Henceforth he prepares rebuilding of Mordor for Sauron's comeback.

[DC] stands for a Dreamcard.

Character Pool

Starting Company
[DC MeTN] Gaurhir
[DC MeTN] Bulrakur + Whip
[DC MeTN] Virsh
[DC MeNW] Durba
[DC MeTN] Orc Grunt
Muzgash + [DC MeTN] Orc-pouch
+ [DC MeTN] Foundations Remain

In deck
[DC MeTN] Orc Shaman
Orc Captain
Orc Tracker

Not in deck

Avatar and Characters
[DC MeTN] The Necromancer
[DC MeTN] The Necromancer
[DC MeTN] The Necromancer
Orc Captain


[DC MeWR] Palantir of Minas Ithil
[DC MeGW] Azog's Scimitar
[DC MeTN] The Ongrum
[DC MeDF] Dwarf-chopper
Binding Ring

[DC MeML] Abomination Nursed in Darkness

[DC MeTN] Dark Spires Rising
Hold Rebuilt and Repaired
Hold Rebuilt and Repaired
Hold Rebuilt and Repaired

[DC MeTN] Orcs of Nurn

[DC MeRS] Flight Unmarked
[DC MeRS] Flight Unmarked
[DC MeRS] Flight Unmarked
[DC MeGW] Calm Song
[DC MeGW] Calm Song
[DC MeGW] Calm Song
[DC MeTN] The Goblins are upon You !
[DC MeTN] The Goblins are upon You !

Swarm of Bats
Orc Quarrels
Orc Quarrels
Voices of Malice
Voices of Malice
Weigh all Things to a Nicety
Weigh all Things to a Nicety
Weigh all Things to a Nicety


[DC MeRS] Glutan
[DC MeNW] War-wolves
[DC MeNW] War-wolves
[DC MeNW] Were-wolf
Dire Wolves
[DC MeNW] War-wargs
[DC MeNW] War-wargs
[DC MeNW] War-wargs
[DC MeGW] Aryen the Beastmaster
[DC MeTN] Caran-carach

Doors of Night
Doors of Night
Doors of Night
Wake of War
Wake of War
Wake of War
[DC MeNW] Legacy of Carcaroth
[DC MeNW] The Pack at the Door
[DC MeNW] Rabies
Fell Winter

An Unexpected Outpost
An Unexpected Outpost
An Unexpected Outpost


vs. all

[DC MeTN] Mordor in Ruins
[DC MeTN] Scara-hai
[DC MeTN] Wolf-den
[DC MeMM] Bolvag
Orcs of Gorgoroth
Orcs of Udun
Orcs of the Ephel Duath
[DC MeTN] Legions of the Dark Lord
[DC MeTN] Familiar
[DC MeTN] Fizzling Torch
Strange Rations
The Lidless Eye
[DC MeMM] Lord of the World
[DC MeCP] Ring of Flame
Some Secret Art of Flame

[DC MeRS] Many Burdens
[DC MeSL] Drought
[DC MeNW] White Wolves
[DC MeNW] Mordo (replaced by [DC MeDF] Pit-trap against Dark/Grey Players)
[DC MeWR] Siege of Gondor (replaced by [DC MeRS] Capricious Spirit against Dark/Grey Players)
[DC MeTN] Lure of the Rings (replaced by [DC MeTN] Lure of Magic against Dark/Grey Players)
[DC MeKN] Bloodeye Ravish (replaced by Durin's Bane against Dark/Grey Players)
Monstrosity of Diverse Shape
Bane of the Ithil-stone (replaced by The Roving Eye against Dark/Grey Players)

vs. Fallen
Diminish and Depart
[DC MeKN] Fire Unwatched
[DC MeWR] Politics
[DC MeDF] All This Dwarvish Racket
[DC MeWR] Heritage Forsaken
[DC MeWR] Kin-strife
[DC MeFB] Choked with Vanity
[DC MeMM] Doomed to Die
[DC MeTI] Forgot his Orders
Earcaraxe Ahunt

vs. Grey
[DC MeGW] Birthspot
[DC MeGW] Dragon's Sleep
[DC MeGW] Riches Gathered
[DC MeGW] Western Winds
[DC MeGW] Cursed Treasure
[DC MeGW] Ando-anca Ahunt
[DC MeRS] No Memory of this Place
The Way is Shut
Fled into Darkness


Minas Morgul => [DC MeWR] Palantir of Minas Ithil
Shelob's Lair => [DC MeGW] Azog's Scimitar, [DC MeTN] The Ongrum, War-wolf
Cirith Ungol => Orcs of the Ephel Duath, Uruk-hai
[DC MeRS] Durthang => [DC MeTN] Scara-hai, War-wolf, War-warg
Cirith Gorgor => Orcs of Udun, Uruk-hai
The Under-galleries => [DC MeML] Abomination Nursed in Darkness, [DC MeDF] Dwarf-chopper
Dead Marshes => [DC MeTN] The Ongrum
Mount Doom => War-wolf
Barad-dur => [DC MeTN] Dark Spires Rising, Orcs of Gorgoroth, Uruk-hai
The Under-courts => [DC MeDF] Dwarf-chopper
[DC MeRS] Minas Durlith => [DC MeMM] Bolvag, Uruk-hai
[DC MeCP] Oraishapek Mound => [DC MeGW] Azog's Scimitar, [DC MeCP] Ring of Flame
[DC MeRS] Barad-wath => War-wolf
[DC MeRS] Ostigurth => [DC MeTN] Orcs of Nurn, War-wolf

Play tips

The main mission is to rebuild Mordor.
Starting game with Foundations Remain (and Mordor in Ruins) is thus needed.

Main character is Gaurhir, a great sage for Voices of Malice.
His spirit-magic ability is useful (Calm Song, Counterfeit, Familiar).
His back-up is Orc-Shaman which is sage and spirit-magic user too.

Bulrakur is the leader of the Scara-hai (as a side note his name in MERP is Fha-korlash).
He's very strong against most creatures.
His back-up is Orc Captain.

Virsh is useful as scout/ranger Scara-hai (as a side note Virsh is the only non-warrior Orc).
Durba has nice abilities relative to wolves.
Muzgash carries Orc-pouch, which is intended for Radbug (Orc-pouch is for Fizzling Torch to avoid backfire and Strange Rations).
Orc Grunt is a strong low-mind warrior Orc.

Gaurhir's follower is Orc Grunt.
Bulrakur's followers are Virsh and with his Whip Muzgash.
There is thus 6 free GI.

Hazard part is an heavy Wolf creature theme.
Wake of War and Doors of Night enhance Gaurhir's strength, so recycle Wake of War to play it as many turns as possible.
War-wargs lessen probability of wolves being killed.
There are nasty creatures like Were-wolf and Caran-carach.
Legacy of Carcaroth allows recycling most useful wolves.
Additionnally Aryen the Beastmaster is a great agent.
Rabies is very fun to play.

The key card for rebuilding Mordor is Hold Rebuilt and Repaired.
One is required for Foundations Remain and a second one for Dark Spires Rising.

Once Mordor's rebuilding begins, sideboard to discard with The Necromancer :
- Orc factions (later recycled with Legions of the Dark Lord)
- the 3 War-warg (later recycled with Wolf-den)
Note The Necromancer is the only manifestation of Sauron which can sideboard to discard.

Once Mordor is fully rebuilt, replace The Necromancer by The Lidless Eye.
With The Lidless Eye more characters may be played.
If deck runs well, and opponent's deck runs bad, sideboard Lord of the World to show how is the strongest !
Store Palantir of Minas Ithil for huge usefulness and then sideboard Bane of Ithil-stone for thematic.

Deck is very low, especially for underdeeps stuff (Dwarf-chopper and the evil Abomination Nursed in Darkness).
So use Flight Unmarked for moving faster and Orc Quarrels for the strong detainment auto-attack.

Flight Unmarked should be used too for finding Oraishapek Mound.
Go there with Binding-ring in hand to find Ring of Flame (and ideally with another major item to play).
Ring of Flame is best for Gaurhir, and use then Some Secret Art of Flame if you dare !

Travelling through Mordor should be very safe, except for Imlad Morgul and sites before rebuilding.
Thus cool support cards like Calm Song and The Goblins are upon You help.
Additionnally Orc Quarrels are usefull against auto-attacks, for example in Shelob's Lair or Durthang.

Familiar is a very nice ally for Gaurhir which has cool ability.
But be careful, don't use it if Wolf-attacks are at full strength with Wake of War and Doors of Night.
Thus Familiar should defeat a creature to be worth 1 MP.
Remember Swarm of Bats is the prerequisite to play it.

Last Hold Rebuilt and Repaired should be used at Ostigurth for Orcs of Nurn.
Orcs of Nurn is kind of easy to play with a leader and/or Whip, and has nice ability to recycle Strange Rations.

Second part of deck is intended to gather factions, which should be not difficult to play :
- Orc Captain with Azog's Scimitar or The Ongrum
- thanks to Counterfeit, Bulrakur with Dwarf-chopper (best for him because of artwork)
- Bolvag for Uruk-hai and Orcs of Gorgoroth
- Orcs of the Ephel Duath auto with The Ongrum
Bolvag is a great ally, 2 MP, sage, magic-user, huge body, may influence factions in Gorgoroth, may untap site with sacrifice !
Play him at Minas Durlith, sacrifice an Orc, try to play Uruk-hai before Orcs of Nurn.

Last part of the deck is intended to make Durthang Gaurhir's stronghold.
Go there with Gaurhir and Bulrakur to play Scara-hai faction.
Afterwards play Wold-den and recycle the 3 War-warg (and War-wolf if any).
Play Counterfeit on an Orc to allow him to play Wolf allies, just as Bulrakur and Virsh.
Last turn send a Scara-hai in any Gondor site to make Scara-hai faction full MP.

MP overview (expected / max)

Characters : 10 / 13
Items : 7 / 12
Factions : 6 / 10
Allies : 6 / 10
Miscellanous : 4 / 12
Kill : 0 / 1
Total : 33 / 58
Hrum, Hoom ! Do not be hasty, that is my motto.
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Here is MetN version of the deck.

Play safely Dragon-helm at Dark-hold Under-deeps, sideboard Origins Revealed and play it at Mount Doom.
Play magic and environnement for Arda Marred at full strength.

[DC] stands for a DreamCard.

Character Pool

Starting Company
[DC METN] Gaurhir
[DC METN] Bulrakur
[DC METN] Virsh + Strange Rations
[DC METN] Orc Grunt
[DC METN] Ukog + Whip
+ [DC METN] Foundations Remain

In deck
Orc Captain
Orc Tracker

Not in deck

Avatar and Characters

[DC METN] The Necromancer
[DC METN] The Necromancer
[DC METN] The Necromancer
[DC METN] Orc Shaman
Orc Tracker
Ill-favoured Fellow


[DC METN] The Ongrum
[DC MEDF] Dwarf-chopper

[DC METN] Bolvag

[DC METN] Dark Spires Rising
Hold Rebuilt and Repaired
Hold Rebuilt and Repaired
Hold Rebuilt and Repaired

[DC METN] Slaves of Nurn

Driven as by Madness
Poison of His Voice
Spying Out the Land
I'll Report You
[DC METN] The Goblins are upon You !
[DC METN] The Goblins are upon You !
[DC METN] The Goblins are upon You !
Orc Quarrels
Orc Quarrels
Swarm of Bats
Dark Tryst
Dark Tryst
Voices of Malice
Voices of Malice
Weigh all Things to a Nicety
Weigh all Things to a Nicety
Weigh all Things to a Nicety


[DC METN] Were-wolf
[DC METN] Were-wolf
Dire Wolves
Dire Wolves
Dire Wolves

Dwar of Waw
[DC METN] Aryen the Beastmaster
[DC METN] Caran-carach

Doors of Night
Doors of Night
Doors of Night
Wake of War
Wake of War
Wake of War
[DC METN] Fruitless Victory
[DC MEDF] The Pack at the Door
[DC METN] Reaching Wings of Darkness
Fell Winter
[DC METN] Arda Marred
Bane of the Ithil-stone
An Unexpected Outpost
An Unexpected Outpost


vs. White
[DC METN] Mordor in Ruins
[DC METN] Scara-hai
[DC METN] Wolf-den
Our Own Wolves
Orcs of Gorgoroth
Orcs of Udun
Orcs of the Ephel Duath
Great Army of the North
The Dark Power
The Great Eye
[DC METN] Familiar
Last Child of Ungoliant
The Lidless Eye
[DC METN] Origins Revealed
[DC METN] Deadly Laughter
[DC METN] He Wields Great Dominion
Alone and Unadvised
Call of Home
No Way Forward
The Way is Shut
The Will of the Ring
[DC MEDF] Flooded to the Surface
[DC METN] Many Burdens
[DC MEDF] Pit-trap
The Roving Eye

vs. Fallen
Diminish and Depart
[DC MEFB] Choked with Vanity
[DC MEFB] Doom of the Noldor
Drowning Seas
Winds of Wrath
New Moon
[DC METN] Politics
[DC MEDF] All This Dwarvish Racket
[DC MEDF] Fear of Kin
[DC MEDF] Tarin


Minas Morgul => Morgul-orcs
Shelob's Lair => Last Child of Ungoliant
Cirith Ungol => Orcs of the Ephel Duath
[DC METN] Durthang => [DC METN] Scara-hai, War-warg
Cirith Gorgor => Orcs of Udun
The Under-galleries, The Under-courts => Dragon-helm, [DC MEDF] Dwarf-chopper
Dead Marshes => [DC METN] The Ongrum
Mount Doom => [DC METN] Origins Revealed
Barad-dur => [DC METN] Dark Spires Rising, Orcs of Gorgoroth
[DC METN] Minas Durlith => [DC METN] Bolvag, Uruk-hai
[DC METN] Barad-wath => War-wolf
[DC METN] Ostigurth => [DC METN] Slaves of Nurn
Hrum, Hoom ! Do not be hasty, that is my motto.
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Thorsten the Traveller
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Is it possible to attach the gccg deckfile? or does the forum not support that format. Would make playing it online a lot easier. In that case you could copy paste the deckfile into a simple rtf file perhaps, so we can c/p it into an existing .deck file.
Stone-age did not end because man ran out of rocks.
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Deck file added
I may add deck file for other decks too
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Hrum, Hoom ! Do not be hasty, that is my motto.
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About your "Necromancer" version : 3 DC cards are not from the First Folk / Necromancer environment :
- Familiar : from "Mortal Men"
- The Pack at the Door : from "Northern Waste"
- Reaching Wings of Darkness : from "War of the Ring"
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