811-Fellowship-Gandalf-Hobbits Quest

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Posts: 795
Joined: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:39 am

The White Council has ended. A hobbit has chosen to take the Ring to Mount Doom.
Gandalf will lead the Fellowship of four hobbits under stealth and secrecy. Now at Rivendell, the Fellowship must depart for Mordor. They must quickly reach the mountains of Shadow. Armies of Sauron will be unleashed. There will be no haven enjoying long holidays after the departure. An army from the north will attack Rivendell, Dol Guldur will assail Lórien and Minas Morgul will usher legions of orcs and men at Minas Tirith.
The Quest must be achieved quickly before the havens are destroyed. To do this the Ringbearer must get to Shelob’s Lair. The Fellowship is carrying many items for the journey - gifts from those at the Council. These gifts will keep dear items in times of flight and feed the weary and worn to the full. An Elven Ring of Power accompanies the heroes. Gandalf will use the Ring of Fire for protection and for the offensive. Those that go will ever be tempting to do evil. Nenya, the Ring of Adamant, borne by Galadriel will watch over the Fellowship.
Gollum will be with the Fellowship, watched by Gandalf. He will guide them to the Spider Pass, Cirith Torech, then to the plains of Gorgoroth. No more can be said but this: The hobbits are a race made for round doors, mugs of beer and pipe. And now four hobbits walk to a place of death, into the heart of his realm. It is time to depart for Mordor. Doom is awaiting.

The deck is designed to buy time by moving to draw cards so to have the dunking to be successful including having Phial of Galadriel in hand.
No time is there to bring other hobbits in to play if Frodo and Bilbo are lost. Factions as of now with the rules do not hinder
characters unless specifically noted in a card text. Look at the Shelob's Lair Auto-Attack boosting if you are strong as a warrior of the First Age.
I will not go into the details in other Power Decks since so much of chance is there for available resources and characters. Enjoy!
Posts: 795
Joined: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:39 am

Not much has changed. First, I added Ungolcrist and Golden Chain. Legolas will use that sword to comfront spawn minion allies.
Gwaihir was added so to greatly move four hobbits away from trouble. Maybe to move from Dorwnion to Lorien.

I removed Dark Quarrels for another No Waiting to Wonder and Second Breakfast.

Thoughts were given to have the elf and dwarf duo at their peak:
Bow of Galadhirm, Great Bow of Lorien, Great Friendship, Dwarven Axe, Gimli Axe
Ungolcrist, Elf-stone, Cracks of Doom, 2 sideboard slots.
Last edited by dirhaval on Wed Jun 17, 2020 5:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 795
Joined: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:39 am

Here is the version of the Power Deck with 50 cards for resources, hazards, and in sideboard.
I wanted to include more cards.

The characters stayed the same. Hazard added: Lands Untended, Darkness Ahead, Lost in the Emyn Muil,
One Ring to Rule Them All, Fool's Bane.

Resource events include Narya copy, Great Elf Warrior, Morannon, New Supplies, food minor items,
Second Breakfest, I Pass THe Test, Spies Feared, AtterCop AtterCop, Logath Herdsman, The Great Eagles,
Woses of Druadan Forest.

This will mean the hobbits are better at facing strikes.
50/50/50 update
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