Sealed Deck Generator

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I'm organizing a sealed deck tournament on CardNum. You can read more about the tournament over here: viewtopic.php?f=146&t=4334&p=36989#p36989

In doing that, I came up with a few solutions for randomly generating sealed packs. The first is a simple spreadsheet. The second is a more sophisticated python script. A friend is also designing custom MECCG software but that does not have a release date.

I have reviewed these for errors so I know there are likely to be errors. Let me know what you find.

The spreadsheet is an online Google Sheets spreadsheet that will randomly generate starter decks and booster packs. You will need to create a copy (File > Make a Copy). ... sp=sharing
The limitation of this format is that it is possible to receive duplicates of cards that only appear once on the sheet (e.g., you can get duplicate METW Uncommons). Which I think is actually not possible in a real pack. Or at least, I have never seen or heard of it. The benefit of the spreadsheet is that it is online and anyone can open it on their phone even.

WARNING: I fixed a few issues with the commons and uncommons, and CA/CB in the python script as mentioned below. These issues were not fixed in the spreadsheet.

Note that the spreadsheet has had the sites removed from the sheets. I don't think I included the sheets with the sites in there, but that is still available in the python script. Also note that the METW boosters are not 6CB+5CA, they are just 11 of CB+CA, but in the python script it will do 6CB+5CA if you do not remove the sites from the sheet.

(i'll fix that extra common there...)
Sealed Spreadsheet.PNG
Sealed Spreadsheet.PNG (144.16 KiB) Viewed 7290 times

I don't know python but I made a script that we will be using to generate the packs. This script will choose cards from the sheet without replacement so that it should not be possible to get duplicates of cards that appear only once on the sheet. Also, it will output the cards formatted for Card Num so that you can copy and paste the list into the Deck Builder to see what you all have. Unfortunately, resources and hazards are intermixed. You can run this on your own computer by installing python or you can use an online interpreter: ... -compiler/. Open the text file and copy it into there. Or rename to .py and run it on your computer. By the way, if you really look at the code you will notice that it is junk. And that there are some extra features, sometimes partially implemented. So stick to generating the sealed packs without sites (default) and you should be OK.
PythonSealed.PNG (199 KiB) Viewed 7290 times
Here is a sample of what it does. Pasting this into the Card Num Deck Builder will aggregate the duplicates and it will ignore the junk.
Middle-earth Collectible Card Game
Sealed Deck Tournament Pack Generator

Available products:
$9.95 - The Wizards Unlimited Starter Deck (76 cards: 24Fixed/3R/9U/40C)
$2.95 - The Wizards Unlimited Booster Pack (15 cards: 1R/3U/11C)
$2.95 - The Dragons Booster Pack (15 cards: 1R/4U/10C)
$2.95 - Dark Minions Booster Pack (15 cards: 1R/4U/10C)
$9.95 - The Lidless Eye Starter Deck (76 cards: 24Fixed/3R/12U/37C)
$2.95 - The Lidless Eye Booster Pack (15 cards: 1R/4U/10C)
$3.25 - Against The Shadow Booster Pack (12 cards: 4U/2R/6C)
$3.25 - The White Hand Booster Pack (12 cards: 4U/2R/6C)

Do you want site and region cards to be included as normal? (Y or N, default N): N
Sites have been removed from the sheets

How many The Wizards starter decks? 1
How many The Wizards booster packs? 2
How many The Dragons booster packs? 2
How many Dark Minions booster packs? 1
How many Lidless Eye starter decks? 1
How many Lidless Eye booster packs? 1
How many Against the Shadow booster packs? 2
How many White Hand booster packs? 1

Total Cost: $ 47.35

-= The Wizards Starter Deck 1 =-
Fixed Pack:
1 Gates of Morning (TW)
1 Saruman [H] (TW)
1 Pallando [H] (TW)
1 Aragorn II (TW)
1 Boromir II (TW)
1 Kili (TW)
1 Elladan (TW)
1 Annalena (TW)
1 Rangers of the North (TW)
1 Men of Anorien (TW)
1 Doors of Night (TW)
Uncommons (9):
1 Red Arrow (TW)
1 Orc-lieutenant (TW)
1 Narsil (TW)
1 Blue Mountain Dwarves (TW)
1 Dwarven Ring of Thrár's Tribe [H] (TW)
1 Arinmîr (TW)
1 Palantír of Elostirion [H] (TW)
1 Lossoth (TW)
1 Glamdring (TW)
Rares (3):
1 Traitor (TW)
1 Fair Sailing (TW)
1 Galadriel (TW)
Commons (40):
1 Precious Gold Ring (TW)
1 Long Winter (TW)
1 Precious Gold Ring (TW)
1 Test of Lore (TW)
1 Awaken Minions (TW)
1 Dark Quarrels (TW)
1 Foul Fumes (TW)
1 Cave-drake (TW)
1 Healing Herbs (TW)
1 River (TW)
1 Twilight (TW)
1 Lost in Border-lands (TW)
1 Orc-warriors (TW)
1 Fellowship (TW)
1 Arouse Minions (TW)
1 Vanishment (TW)
1 Test of Form (TW)
1 Thorough Search (TW)
1 Lure of the Senses (TW)
1 Dreams of Lore (TW)
1 Slayer (TW)
1 Test of Form (TW)
1 Orc-warband (TW)
1 Great-road (TW)
1 Orc-guard (TW)
1 Miruvor (TW)
1 Arouse Denizens (TW)
1 Twilight (TW)
1 Dagger of Westernesse (TW)
1 Stealth (TW)
1 Abductor (TW)
1 Crebain (TW)
1 Orc-raiders (TW)
1 Lure of Expedience (TW)
1 Sword of Gondolin (TW)
1 Healing Herbs (TW)
1 Awaken Denizens (TW)
1 Giant Spiders (TW)
1 Lost in the Wilderness (TW)
1 Muster (TW)

-= The Wizards Booster Pack 1 =-
Uncommons (3):
1 Men of Dorwinion (TW)
1 Lesser Ring (TW)
1 Plague of Wights (TW)
Rare (1):
1 Words of Power and Terror (TW)
Commons (11):
1 Dagger of Westernesse (TW)
1 Lure of Nature (TW)
1 Muster Disperses (TW)
1 Fellowship (TW)
1 Crebain (TW)
1 Ambusher (TW)
1 Halfling Strength (TW)
1 Escape (TW)
1 Arouse Minions (TW)
1 Lost in Free-domains (TW)
1 Dreams of Lore (TW)

-= The Wizards Booster Pack 2 =-
Uncommons (3):
1 Anborn (TW)
1 Woses of the Drúadan Forest (TW)
1 Glamdring (TW)
Rare (1):
1 Dwarven Ring of Bávor's Tribe [H] (TW)
Commons (11):
1 Ghouls (TW)
1 Awaken Denizens (TW)
1 Corpse-candle (TW)
1 Wolves (TW)
1 Fair Travels in Wilderness (TW)
1 Fellowship (TW)
1 Lure of Nature (TW)
1 Beautiful Gold Ring (TW)
1 Great-road (TW)
1 A Friend or Three (TW)
1 Wargs (TW)

-= The Dragons Booster Pack 1 =-
Uncommons (4):
1 Riddling Talk (TD)
1 Dragon-lore (TD)
1 Waybread (TD)
1 Cruel Caradhras (TD)
Rare (1):
1 Velocity of Haste (TD)
Commons (10):
1 Worn and Famished (TD)
1 Refuge (TD)
1 Cram (TD)
1 Incite Minions (TD)
1 Marvels Told (TD)
1 Secret News (TD)
1 Dire Wolves (TD)
1 Harad (TD)
1 Dunlending Raiders (TD)
1 Elf-path (TD)

-= The Dragons Booster Pack 2 =-
Uncommons (4):
1 Itangast Ahunt (TD)
1 Bairanax Ahunt (TD)
1 From the Pits of Angband (TD)
1 Rumor of Wealth (TD)
Rare (1):
1 Subtlety of Guile (TD)
Commons (10):
1 Harad (TD)
1 Refuge (TD)
1 Light-drake (TD)
1 Elf-path (TD)
1 Gift of Comprehension (TD)
1 Dragon-sickness (TD)
1 Cram (TD)
1 Half an Eye Open (TD)
1 Peril Returned (TD)
1 Dwarven Hoard (TD)

-= Dark Minions Booster Pack 1 =-
Uncommons (4):
1 Eyes of the Shadow (DM)
1 Drums (DM)
1 Lindion the Oronín (DM)
1 Folco Boffin (DM)
Rare (1):
1 The Hunt (DM)
Commons (10):
1 No Waiting to Wonder (DM)
1 Two or Three Tribes Present (DM)
1 Pierced by Many Wounds (DM)
1 Good Sense Revolts (DM)
1 Seized by Terror (DM)
1 Leaf Brooch (DM)
1 Hall of Fire (DM)
1 Enduring Tales (DM)
1 Withdrawn to Mordor (DM)
1 Angmar Arises (DM)

-= Lidless Eye Starter Deck 1 =-
1 Hoarmûrath the Ringwraith (LE)
1 The Witch-king (LE)
1 Gorbag (LE)
1 Nevido Smôd (LE)
1 Orc Tracker (LE)
1 Orc Veteran (LE)
1 Muzgash (LE)
1 Easterlings (LE)
1 Orcs of Gundabad (LE)
1 The Least of Gold Rings (LE)
1 Magic Ring of Enigma (LE)
1 Sudden Call (LE)
1 Heralded Lord (LE)
1 Orcs of the Red Eye (LE)
1 Dunlending Spy (LE)
1 Ent in Search of the Entwives (LE)
1 Palantír of Orthanc [M] (LE)
1 Sable Shield (LE)
1 Dorelas (LE)
1 Veils Flung Away (LE)
1 Thing Stolen (LE)
1 Orcs of the Ash Mountains (LE)
1 Rats! (LE)
1 Orc Stealth (LE)
1 Lieutenant of Angmar (LE)
1 Bróin (LE)
1 No News of Our Riding (LE)
1 Bade to Rule (LE)
1 Lure of Nature (LE)
1 Horse-lords (LE)
1 Foolish Words (LE)
1 Smart and Secret (LE)
1 Call of Home (LE)
1 Lesser Spiders (LE)
1 Lost in the Wilderness (LE)
1 Orc-draughts (LE)
1 Foolish Words (LE)
1 Long Winter (LE)
1 Dire Wolves (LE)
1 Orc Brawler (LE)
1 Thunder's Companion (LE)
1 Awaken Defenders (LE)
1 Black-hide Shield (LE)
1 Bold Thrust (LE)
1 Cave-drake (LE)
1 A Nice Place to Hide (LE)
1 Greed (LE)
1 Giant (LE)
1 Rebel-talk (LE)
1 Orc-watch (LE)
1 Giant Spiders (LE)
1 Hobgoblins (LE)
1 Black-mail Coat (LE)
1 Ghosts (LE)
1 A Little Gold Ring (LE)
1 The Names Among Them (LE)
1 Trifling Ring (LE)
1 Dire Wolves (LE)
1 Forced March (LE)
1 War-wolf (LE)
1 Wargs (LE)
1 Stabbed Him in His Sleep (LE)
1 I'll Report You (LE)
1 Orc-warband (LE)

-= Lidless Eye Booster Pack 1 =-
1 Hide in Dark Places (LE)
1 Half-trolls (LE)
1 Stone Trolls (LE)
1 Palantír of Orthanc [M] (LE)
1 The Reviled Ring (LE)
1 Gondorian Rangers (LE)
1 Wild Trolls (LE)
1 Minor Ring (LE)
1 Gifts as Given of Old (LE)
1 By the Ringwraith's Word (LE)
1 Blazon of the Eye (LE)
1 Test of Fire (LE)
1 Orc Tracker (LE)
1 Incite Defenders (LE)
1 The Ring Leaves Its Mark (LE)

-= Against the Shadow Booster Pack 1 =-
1 Wain-easterlings [M] (AS)
1 Dwarven Ring of Thélor's Tribe [M] (AS)
1 Eye Never Sleeping (AS)
1 Orders from Lugbúrz (AS)
1 Lord of the Carrock (AS)
1 Spies Feared (AS)
1 Dwarven Travelers (AS)
1 Stout Men of Gondor (AS)
1 Black Horse (AS)
1 Regiment of Black Crows (AS)
1 Turning Hope to Despair (AS)
1 Hoard Well-searched (AS)

-= Against the Shadow Booster Pack 2 =-
1 Bow of the Galadhrim (AS)
1 Driven as by a Madness (AS)
1 The Dark Power (AS)
1 Eye Never Sleeping (AS)
1 Farmer Maggot (AS)
1 Great Lord of Goblin-gate (AS)
1 Power Against the Shadow (AS)
1 Records Unread (AS)
1 Summons from Long Sleep (AS)
1 Join With That Power (AS)
1 Hoard Well-searched (AS)
1 Goblin Earth-plumb (AS)

-= The White Hand Booster Pack 1 =-
1 Will You Not Come Down? (WH)
1 Pallando's Apprentice (WH)
1 Heart Grown Cold (WH)
1 Friend of Secret Things (WH)
1 Power Relinquished to Artifice (WH)
1 The Fiery Blade (WH)
1 Beasts of the Wood (WH)
1 Foul Tooth Unsheathed (WH)
1 An Untimely Brood (WH)
1 Mechanical Bow (WH)
1 Alatar [F] (WH)
1 Alatar [F] (WH)
NOTE for this attached .txt document. It is actually the python script and you can rename the extension to .py. I haven't bothered how to set Windows 10 to show extension but you can also use command line to rename the extension using the "ren" command:
> ren textfile.txt
MECCG Sealed Deck Generator v1.1.txt
(92.31 KiB) Downloaded 390 times
Last edited by CDavis7M on Sat Oct 17, 2020 12:13 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Posts: 2816
Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2018 3:10 am
Location: California

Here are the sheets without sites, in case anyone wants to take a look more easily. Let me know if you notice anything. Unless you are just noticing how junky the METW Booster only sheet is. I can see that.
TWFixedPack1NoSites = [
"Gates of Morning",
"Saruman [H]",
"Pallando [H]",
"Aragorn II",
"Boromir II",
"Rangers of the North",
"Men of Anorien",
"Doors of Night"
TWFixedPack2NoSites = [
"Gates of Morning",
"Radagast [H]",
"Alatar [H]",
"Robin Smallburrow",
"Riders of Rohan",
"Tower Guard of Minas Tirith",
"Doors of Night"
TWFixedPack3NoSites = [
"Gates of Morning",
"Radagast [H]",
"Gandalf [H]",
"Bard Bowman",
"Glorfindel II",
"Rangers of Ithilien",
"Doors of Night"
TWFixedPack4NoSites = [
"Gates of Morning",
"Alatar [H]",
"Saruman [H]",
"Bard Bowman",
"Iron Hill Dwarves",
"Doors of Night"
TWFixedPack5NoSites = [
"Gates of Morning",
"Gandalf [H]",
"Pallando [H]",
"Gildor Inglorion",
"Robin Smallburrow",
"Boromir II",
"Ents of Fangorn",
"Doors of Night"
TWRareSheetNoSites = [
"Andúril, the Flame of the West",
"Army of the Dead",
"Balrog of Moria",
"Bane of the Ithil-stone",
"Clear Skies",
"Dáin II",
"Denethor II",
"Dwar of Waw",
"Dwarven Ring of Barin's Tribe [H]",
"Dwarven Ring of Bávor's Tribe [H]",
"Dwarven Ring of Drúin's Tribe [H]",
"Dwarven Ring of Durin's Tribe [H]",
"Dwarven Ring of Dwálin's Tribe [H]",
"Elves of Lindon",
"Eye of Sauron",
"Fair Sailing",
"Fair Travels in Dark-domains",
"Fair Travels in Free-domains",
"Favor of the Valar",
"Fell Beast",
"Fell Turtle",
"Gollum's Fate",
"Great Ship",
"Hoarmûrath of Dír",
"Indûr Dawndeath",
"Khamûl the Easterling",
"Lost at Sea",
"Lost in Dark-domains",
"Lucky Search",
"Lure of Power",
"Morgul Night",
"Mouth of Sauron",
"Mûmak (Oliphant)",
"Palantír of Amon Sûl [H]",
"Palantír of Annúminas [H]",
"Palantír of Osgiliath [H]",
"Paths of the Dead",
"Ren the Unclean",
"Return of the King",
"Roäc the Raven",
"Sacrifice of Form",
"Secret Entrance",
"Silent Watcher",
"Stone of Erech",
"Storms of Ossë",
"The Arkenstone [H]",
"The Balance of Things",
"The Great Goblin",
"The Mithril-coat [H]",
"The Nazgûl are Abroad",
"The One Ring [H]",
"The Pale Sword",
"The Precious",
"The White Tree",
"The Will of Sauron",
"The Will of the Ring",
"Thorin II",
"Tom Bombadil",
"True Fána",
"Ûvatha the Horseman",
"Variags of Khand",
"Witch-king of Angmar",
"Wizard\'s Fire",
"Wizard\'s Ring",
"Wizard\'s Voice",
"Words of Power and Terror",
"Woses of Old Pûkel-land"
TWUncommonSheetNoSites = [
"\"Bert\" (Bûrat)",
"\"Tom\" (Tûma)",
"\"William\" (Wûluag)",
"Align Palantír",
"Awaken the Earth's Fire",
"Balin [H]",
"Barliman Butterbur",
"Bill the Pony",
"Blue Mountain Dwarves",
"Book of Mazarbul",
"Call of Home",
"Call of the Sea",
"Corsairs of Umbar",
"Cracks of Doom",
"Dragon's Desolation",
"Drowning Seas",
"Durin's Axe",
"Dwarven Ring of Thélor's Tribe [H]",
"Dwarven Ring of Thrár's Tribe [H]",
"Earth of Galadriel's Orchard",
"Gamling the Old",
"Great-shield of Rohan",
"Knights of Dol Amroth",
"Lapse of Will",
"Lesser Ring",
"Lure of Creation",
"Magic Ring of Courage",
"Magic Ring of Lore",
"Magic Ring of Nature",
"Magic Ring of Stealth",
"Magic Ring of Words",
"Men of Anfalas",
"Men of Dorwinion",
"Men of Lamedon",
"Men of Lebennin",
"Men of Northern Rhovanion",
"Minions Stir",
"Mirror of Galadriel",
"New Moon",
"Old Man Willow",
"Olog-hai (Trolls)",
"Palantír of Elostirion [H]",
"Palantír of Minas Tirith [H]",
"Palantír of Orthanc [H]",
"Plague of Wights",
"Praise to Elbereth",
"Quiet Lands",
"Red Arrow",
"Red Book of Westmarch [H]",
"Sam Gamgee",
"Sapling of the White Tree",
"Scroll of Isildur [H]",
"The Burden of Time",
"The Cock Crows",
"The Evenstar",
"The Great Eagles",
"The Old Thrush",
"The Ring\'s Betrayal",
"Torque of Hues",
"Use Palantír",
"Wake of War",
"Watcher in the Water",
"Wizard\'s Flame",
"Wizard\'s Laughter",
"Wizard\'s River-horses",
"Wizard\'s Test",
"Woses of the Drúadan Forest"
TWGeneralCommonSheetNoSites = [
"Choking Shadows",
"Despair of the Heart",
"Fair Travels in Border-lands",
"Fair Travels in Shadow-lands",
"Fair Travels in Wilderness",
"Fell Winter",
"Foul Fumes",
"Half-trolls of Far Harad",
"Hauberk of Bright Mail",
"Kindling of the Spirit",
"Long Winter",
"Lost in Border-lands",
"Lost in Free-domains",
"Lost in Shadow-lands",
"Lost in the Wilderness",
"Lucky Strike",
"Lure of Expedience",
"Lure of the Senses",
"Muster Disperses",
"Potion of Prowess",
"Risky Blow",
"Secret Passage",
"Thorough Search",
"Arouse Denizens",
"Arouse Minions",
"Awaken Denizens",
"Awaken Minions",
"Beautiful Gold Ring",
"Dagger of Westernesse",
"Dark Quarrels",
"Dreams of Lore",
"Elven Cloak",
"Fair Gold Ring",
"Giant Spiders",
"Healing Herbs",
"Lure of Nature",
"Precious Gold Ring",
"Rescue Prisoners",
"Shield of Iron-bound Ash",
"Sword of Gondolin",
"Test of Form",
"Test of Lore",
"Weariness of the Heart",
"Arouse Denizens",
"Arouse Minions",
"Awaken Denizens",
"Awaken Minions",
"Beautiful Gold Ring",
"Dagger of Westernesse",
"Dark Quarrels",
"Dreams of Lore",
"Elven Cloak",
"Fair Gold Ring",
"Giant Spiders",
"Healing Herbs",
"Lure of Nature",
"Precious Gold Ring",
"Rescue Prisoners",
"Shield of Iron-bound Ash",
"Sword of Gondolin",
"Test of Form",
"Test of Lore",
"Weariness of the Heart",

TWBoosterOnlyCommonSheet = [
"A Chance Meeting",
"Andrast Coast",
"Ash Mountains",
"Bay of Belfalas",
"Blue Mountain Dwarf-hold",
"Brown Lands",
"Cameth Brin",
"Dol Amroth",
"Drúadan Forest",
"Eagles\' Eyrie",
"Elven Shores",
"Eriadoran Coast",
"Grey Havens",
"Grey Mountain Narrows",
"Heart of Mirkwood",
"Horn of Anor",
"Horse Plains",
"Imlad Morgul",
"Iron Hills",
"Lond Galen",
"Lordly Presence",
"Lossadan Camp",
"Mountains of Shadow",
"Mouths of the Anduin",
"New Friendship",
"Old Friendship",
"Old Pûkel Gap",
"Old Pûkel-land",
"Persuasive Words",
"Southern Rhovanion",
"The Shire",
"Tookish Blood",
"Western Mirkwood",
"White Mountains",
"Withered Heath",
"Wose Passage-hold",
"A Friend or Three",
"Anduin River",
"Anduin Vales",
"Gap of Isen",
"Halfling Stealth",
"Halfling Strength",
"High Pass",
"Misty Mountains",
"Northern Rhovanion",
"Old Road",
"Redhorn Gate",
"Southern Mirkwood",
"Tempering Friendship",
"Wold & Foothills",
"Woodland Realm",
"A Friend or Three",
"Anduin River",
"Anduin Vales",
"Gap of Isen",
"Halfling Stealth",
"Halfling Strength",
"High Pass",
"Misty Mountains",
"Northern Rhovanion",
"Old Road",
"Redhorn Gate",
"Southern Mirkwood",
"Tempering Friendship",
"Wold & Foothills",
"Woodland Realm"
TWBoosterOnlyCommonSheetNoSites = [
"A Chance Meeting",
"Ash Mountains",
"Horn of Anor",
"Lordly Presence",
"Mountains of Shadow",
"New Friendship",
"Old Friendship",
"Persuasive Words",
"Tookish Blood",
"White Mountains",
"A Friend or Three",
"Anduin River",
"Halfling Stealth",
"Halfling Strength",
"Misty Mountains",
"Old Road",
"Tempering Friendship",
"A Friend or Three",
"Anduin River",
"Halfling Stealth",
"Halfling Strength",
"Misty Mountains",
"Old Road",
"Tempering Friendship"
TDRareSheet = [
"Black Breath",
"Emerald of the Mariner",
"Fram Framson",
"Helm of Her Secrecy",
"King under the Mountain",
"Known to an Ounce",
"Legendary Hoard",
"Many Sorrows Befall",
"Mathom Lore",
"Memories Stolen",
"Nenseldë the Wingild",
"No Escape from My Magic",
"Returned Exiles",
"Shadow of Mordor",
"Song of the Lady",
"Staff Asunder",
"The Riddle Game",
"Thráin II",
"Wild Fell Beast",
"Winds of Wrath",
"Agburanar at Home",
"Bairanax at Home",
"Daelomin at Home",
"Deftness of Agility",
"Dragon\'s Hunger",
"Eärcaraxë at Home",
"Exile of Solitude",
"Fever of Unrest",
"Frenzy of Madness",
"Itangast at Home",
"Leucaruth at Home",
"Parsimony of Seclusion",
"Passion of Wrath",
"Prowess of Age",
"Prowess of Might",
"Scatha at Home",
"Scorba at Home",
"Smaug at Home",
"Subtlety of Guile",
"Velocity of Haste",
"Black Breath",
"Emerald of the Mariner",
"Fram Framson",
"Helm of Her Secrecy",
"King under the Mountain",
"Known to an Ounce",
"Legendary Hoard",
"Many Sorrows Befall",
"Mathom Lore",
"Memories Stolen",
"Nenseldë the Wingild",
"No Escape from My Magic",
"Returned Exiles",
"Shadow of Mordor",
"Song of the Lady",
"Staff Asunder",
"The Riddle Game",
"Thráin II",
"Wild Fell Beast",
"Winds of Wrath",
"Agburanar at Home",
"Bairanax at Home",
"Daelomin at Home",
"Deftness of Agility",
"Dragon\'s Hunger",
"Eärcaraxë at Home",
"Exile of Solitude",
"Fever of Unrest",
"Frenzy of Madness",
"Itangast at Home",
"Leucaruth at Home",
"Parsimony of Seclusion",
"Passion of Wrath",
"Prowess of Age",
"Prowess of Might",
"Scatha at Home",
"Scorba at Home",
"Smaug at Home",
"Subtlety of Guile",
"Velocity of Haste",
"Agburanar at Home",
"Bairanax at Home",
"Daelomin at Home",
"Deftness of Agility",
"Dragon\'s Hunger",
"Eärcaraxë at Home",
"Exile of Solitude",
"Fever of Unrest",
"Frenzy of Madness",
"Itangast at Home",
"Leucaruth at Home",
"Parsimony of Seclusion",
"Passion of Wrath",
"Prowess of Age",
"Prowess of Might",
"Scatha at Home",
"Scorba at Home",
"Smaug at Home",
"Subtlety of Guile",
"Velocity of Haste"
TDUncommonSheetNoSites = [
"Agburanar Ahunt",
"Alert the Folk",
"Arrows Shorn of Ebony",
"Bairanax Ahunt",
"Bow of Dragon-horn",
"Cloudless Day",
"Cruel Caradhras",
"Daelomin Ahunt",
"Dragon\'s Breath",
"Dragon\'s Terror",
"Eärcaraxë Ahunt",
"Echo of all Joy",
"Emerald of Doriath",
"Enruned Shield",
"From the Pits of Angband",
"Gold Belt of Lórien",
"Here, There, or Yonder",
"Host of Bats",
"Itangast Ahunt",
"Left Behind",
"Leucaruth Ahunt",
"Magical Harp",
"Map to Mithril",
"Men of Dale",
"Men of Lake-town",
"Noose of the Sea",
"Riddling Talk",
"Rumor of Wealth",
"Sated Beast",
"Scatha Ahunt",
"Scorba Ahunt",
"Sleepless Malice",
"Smaug Ahunt",
"Star of High Hope",
"Three Golden Hairs",
"Thrór\'s Map",
"Times Are Evil",
"Vanish in Sunlight!",
"Winged Cold-drake",
"Winged Fire-drake",
"Wizard Uncloaked",
"Wizard\'s Staff",
"Worm\'s Stench",
"Agburanar Ahunt",
"Alert the Folk",
"Arrows Shorn of Ebony",
"Bairanax Ahunt",
"Bow of Dragon-horn",
"Cloudless Day",
"Cruel Caradhras",
"Daelomin Ahunt",
"Dragon\'s Breath",
"Dragon\'s Terror",
"Eärcaraxë Ahunt",
"Echo of all Joy",
"Emerald of Doriath",
"Enruned Shield",
"From the Pits of Angband",
"Gold Belt of Lórien",
"Here, There, or Yonder",
"Host of Bats",
"Itangast Ahunt",
"Left Behind",
"Leucaruth Ahunt",
"Magical Harp",
"Map to Mithril",
"Men of Dale",
"Men of Lake-town",
"Noose of the Sea",
"Riddling Talk",
"Rumor of Wealth",
"Sated Beast",
"Scatha Ahunt",
"Scorba Ahunt",
"Sleepless Malice",
"Smaug Ahunt",
"Star of High Hope",
"Three Golden Hairs",
"Thrór\'s Map",
"Times Are Evil",
"Vanish in Sunlight!",
"Winged Cold-drake",
"Winged Fire-drake",
"Wizard Uncloaked",
"Wizard\'s Staff",
"Worm\'s Stench",
TDCommonSheet = [
"Cave Worm",
"Dragon\'s Curse",
"Dunlending Raiders",
"Flatter a Foe",
"Gift of Comprehension",
"Half an Eye Open",
"Look More Closely Later",
"Necklace of Silver and Pearls",
"Sea Serpent",
"True Cold-drake",
"True Fire-drake",
"Twice-baked Cakes",
"Withered Lands",
"Wondrous Maps",
"A Short Rest",
"Adamant Helmet",
"And Forth He Hastened",
"Bounty of the Hoard",
"Carrion Birds",
"Dire Wolves",
"Dragon\'s Blood",
"Dwarven Hoard",
"Fast Asleep",
"Foolish Words",
"Habergeon of Silver",
"Hey! come merry dol!",
"Houses of Healing",
"Icy Touch",
"Incite Denizens",
"Incite Minions",
"Lesser Spiders",
"Lore of the Ages",
"Many Foes he Fought",
"Many Turns and Doublings",
"Marvels Told",
"Master of Esgaroth",
"Master of Wood, Water, or Hill",
"More Sense than You",
"Not at Home",
"Peril Returned",
"Pledge of Conduct",
"Scabbard of Chalcedony",
"Searching Eye",
"Secret News",
"Tales of the Hunt",
"Thunder\'s Companion",
"Valiant Sword",
"Warm Now Be Heart and Limb",
"Washed and Refreshed",
"When I Know Anything",
"Wielded Twice",
"Worn and Famished",
"A Short Rest",
"Adamant Helmet",
"And Forth He Hastened",
"Bounty of the Hoard",
"Carrion Birds",
"Dire Wolves",
"Dragon\'s Blood",
"Dwarven Hoard",
"Fast Asleep",
"Foolish Words",
"Habergeon of Silver",
"Hey! come merry dol!",
"Houses of Healing",
"Icy Touch",
"Incite Denizens",
"Incite Minions",
"Lesser Spiders",
"Lore of the Ages",
"Many Foes he Fought",
"Many Turns and Doublings",
"Marvels Told",
"Master of Esgaroth",
"Master of Wood, Water, or Hill",
"More Sense than You",
"Not at Home",
"Peril Returned",
"Pledge of Conduct",
"Scabbard of Chalcedony",
"Searching Eye",
"Secret News",
"Tales of the Hunt",
"Thunder\'s Companion",
"Valiant Sword",
"Warm Now Be Heart and Limb",
"Washed and Refreshed",
"When I Know Anything",
"Wielded Twice",
"Worn and Famished"

DMRareSheet = [
"Bûthrakaur the Green",
"Choice of Lúthien",
"Durin\'s Bane",
"Fate of the Ithil-Stone",
"Into the Smoking Cone",
"My Precious",
"Necklace of Girion",
"Pass the Doors of Dol Guldur",
"Phial of Galadriel",
"Revealed to all Watchers",
"Shadow out of the Dark",
"Spider of the Môrlat",
"The Grimburgoth",
"The Iron-deeps",
"The Sulfur-deeps",
"The Under-courts",
"The Under-galleries",
"Umagaur the Pale",
"An Unexpected Party",
"Balance Between Powers",
"Bring Our Curses Home",
"Eyes of Mandos",
"Fifteen Birds in Five Firtrees",
"First of the Order",
"Gems of Arda",
"Hour of Need",
"In the Heart of his Realm",
"Like the Crash of Battering-rams",
"Long Dark Reach",
"Ordered to Kill",
"Out of the Black Sky",
"Pale Dream-maker",
"The Black Enemy\'s Wrath",
"The Hunt",
"To Get You Away",
"Token of Goodwill",
"Tribal Totem",
"Bûthrakaur the Green",
"Choice of Lúthien",
"Durin\'s Bane",
"Fate of the Ithil-Stone",
"Into the Smoking Cone",
"My Precious",
"Necklace of Girion",
"Pass the Doors of Dol Guldur",
"Phial of Galadriel",
"Revealed to all Watchers",
"Shadow out of the Dark",
"Spider of the Môrlat",
"The Grimburgoth",
"The Iron-deeps",
"The Sulfur-deeps",
"The Under-courts",
"The Under-galleries",
"Umagaur the Pale",
"An Unexpected Party",
"Balance Between Powers",
"Bring Our Curses Home",
"Eyes of Mandos",
"Fifteen Birds in Five Firtrees",
"First of the Order",
"Gems of Arda",
"Hour of Need",
"In the Heart of his Realm",
"Like the Crash of Battering-rams",
"Long Dark Reach",
"Ordered to Kill",
"Out of the Black Sky",
"Pale Dream-maker",
"The Black Enemy\'s Wrath",
"The Hunt",
"To Get You Away",
"Token of Goodwill",
"Tribal Totem",
"An Unexpected Party",
"Balance Between Powers",
"Bring Our Curses Home",
"Eyes of Mandos",
"Fifteen Birds in Five Firtrees",
"First of the Order",
"Gems of Arda",
"Hour of Need",
"In the Heart of his Realm",
"Like the Crash of Battering-rams",
"Long Dark Reach",
"Ordered to Kill",
"Out of the Black Sky",
"Pale Dream-maker",
"The Black Enemy\'s Wrath",
"The Hunt",
"To Get You Away",
"Token of Goodwill",
"Tribal Totem"
DMRareSheetNoSites = [
"Bûthrakaur the Green",
"Choice of Lúthien",
"Durin\'s Bane",
"Fate of the Ithil-Stone",
"Into the Smoking Cone",
"My Precious",
"Necklace of Girion [H]",
"Pass the Doors of Dol Guldur",
"Phial of Galadriel",
"Revealed to all Watchers",
"Shadow out of the Dark",
"Spider of the Môrlat",
"The Grimburgoth",
"Umagaur the Pale",
"An Unexpected Party",
"Balance Between Powers",
"Bring Our Curses Home",
"Eyes of Mandos",
"Fifteen Birds in Five Firtrees",
"First of the Order",
"Gems of Arda",
"Hour of Need",
"In the Heart of his Realm",
"Like the Crash of Battering-rams",
"Long Dark Reach",
"Ordered to Kill",
"Out of the Black Sky",
"Pale Dream-maker",
"The Black Enemy\'s Wrath",
"The Hunt",
"To Get You Away",
"Token of Goodwill",
"Tribal Totem",
"Bûthrakaur the Green",
"Choice of Lúthien",
"Durin\'s Bane",
"Fate of the Ithil-Stone",
"Into the Smoking Cone",
"My Precious",
"Necklace of Girion [H]",
"Pass the Doors of Dol Guldur",
"Phial of Galadriel",
"Revealed to all Watchers",
"Shadow out of the Dark",
"Spider of the Môrlat",
"The Grimburgoth",
"Umagaur the Pale",
"An Unexpected Party",
"Balance Between Powers",
"Bring Our Curses Home",
"Eyes of Mandos",
"Fifteen Birds in Five Firtrees",
"First of the Order",
"Gems of Arda",
"Hour of Need",
"In the Heart of his Realm",
"Like the Crash of Battering-rams",
"Long Dark Reach",
"Ordered to Kill",
"Out of the Black Sky",
"Pale Dream-maker",
"The Black Enemy\'s Wrath",
"The Hunt",
"To Get You Away",
"Token of Goodwill",
"Tribal Totem",
"An Unexpected Party",
"Balance Between Powers",
"Bring Our Curses Home",
"Eyes of Mandos",
"Fifteen Birds in Five Firtrees",
"First of the Order",
"Gems of Arda",
"Hour of Need",
"In the Heart of his Realm",
"Like the Crash of Battering-rams",
"Long Dark Reach",
"Ordered to Kill",
"Out of the Black Sky",
"Pale Dream-maker",
"The Black Enemy\'s Wrath",
"The Hunt",
"To Get You Away",
"Token of Goodwill",
"Tribal Totem"
DMUncommonSheetNoSites = [
"An Article Missing",
"Ancient Stair",
"Await the Advent of Allies",
"Aware of Their Ways",
"Chance of Being Lost",
"Chill Douser",
"Cup of Farewell",
"Dwarven Light-stone",
"Endless Whispers",
"Eyes of the Shadow",
"Foes Shall Fall",
"Folco Boffin",
"Fori the Beardless",
"Great Need or Purpose",
"Great Secrets Buried There",
"Helms of Iron",
"In Great Wrath",
"Lindion the Oronín",
"Little Snuffler",
"Lobelia Sackville-Baggins",
"Mistress Lobelia",
"Mordor in Arms",
"Nameless Thing",
"Neither so Ancient Nor so Potent",
"Reluctant Final Parting",
"Scimitars of Steel",
"Sentinels of Númenor",
"The Dwarves Are upon You!",
"The Reach of Ulmo",
"The Way is Shut",
"The Windlord Found Me",
"To the Uttermost Foundations",
"Twisted Tales",
"Waylaid, Wounded, and Orc-dragged",
"Will not Come Down",
"Your Welcome Is Doubtful",
"Knowledge of the Enemy",
"An Article Missing",
"Ancient Stair",
"Await the Advent of Allies",
"Aware of Their Ways",
"Chance of Being Lost",
"Chill Douser",
"Cup of Farewell",
"Dwarven Light-stone",
"Endless Whispers",
"Eyes of the Shadow",
"Foes Shall Fall",
"Folco Boffin",
"Fori the Beardless",
"Great Need or Purpose",
"Great Secrets Buried There",
"Helms of Iron",
"In Great Wrath",
"Lindion the Oronín",
"Little Snuffler",
"Lobelia Sackville-Baggins",
"Mistress Lobelia",
"Mordor in Arms",
"Nameless Thing",
"Neither so Ancient Nor so Potent",
"Reluctant Final Parting",
"Scimitars of Steel",
"Sentinels of Númenor",
"The Dwarves Are upon You!",
"The Reach of Ulmo",
"The Way is Shut",
"The Windlord Found Me",
"To the Uttermost Foundations",
"Twisted Tales",
"Waylaid, Wounded, and Orc-dragged",
"Will not Come Down",
"Your Welcome Is Doubtful",
"Knowledge of the Enemy",
"Knowledge of the Enemy"
DMCommonSheet = [
"Bill Ferny",
"Face out of Sight",
"Flies and Spiders",
"Hidden Knife",
"Horns, Horns, Horns",
"Into Dark Tunnels",
"Spells of the Barrow-wights",
"Vein of Arda",
"Wisp of Pale Sheen",
"Withdrawn to Mordor",
"An Unexpected Outpost",
"Angmar Arises",
"Crown of Flowers",
"Cunning Foes",
"Dark Numbers",
"Doubled Vigilance",
"Enduring Tales",
"Exhalation of Decay",
"Faces of the Dead",
"Forewarned is Forearmed",
"Forgotten Scrolls",
"Free to Choose",
"Gnaw with Words",
"Good Sense Revolts",
"Hall of Fire",
"Healing of Nimrodel",
"Here Is a Snake!",
"Hundreds of Butterflies",
"I Know Much about You",
"In Darkness Bind Them",
"Inner Cunning",
"Leaf Brooch",
"Lost Tome",
"Memories Recalled",
"More Alert than Most",
"Never Seen Him",
"No Waiting to Wonder",
"No Way Forward",
"Noble Hound",
"Nobody\'s Friend",
"Palm to Palm",
"Pierced by Many Wounds",
"Rank upon Rank",
"Reaching Shadow",
"Rebuild the Town",
"Redoubled Force",
"Saw Further and Deeper",
"Secret Ways",
"Seek without Success",
"Seized by Terror",
"Smoke Rings",
"Stirring Bones",
"Sudden Fury",
"The Moon Is Dead",
"Two or Three Tribes Present",
"When You Know More",
"Which Might Be Lies",
"Wound of Long Burden",
"Tribal Banner",
"An Unexpected Outpost",
"Angmar Arises",
"Crown of Flowers",
"Cunning Foes",
"Dark Numbers",
"Doubled Vigilance",
"Enduring Tales",
"Exhalation of Decay",
"Faces of the Dead",
"Forewarned is Forearmed",
"Forgotten Scrolls",
"Free to Choose",
"Gnaw with Words",
"Good Sense Revolts",
"Hall of Fire",
"Healing of Nimrodel",
"Here Is a Snake!",
"Hundreds of Butterflies",
"I Know Much about You",
"In Darkness Bind Them",
"Inner Cunning",
"Leaf Brooch",
"Lost Tome",
"Memories Recalled",
"More Alert than Most",
"Never Seen Him",
"No Waiting to Wonder",
"No Way Forward",
"Noble Hound",
"Nobody\'s Friend",
"Palm to Palm",
"Pierced by Many Wounds",
"Rank upon Rank",
"Reaching Shadow",
"Rebuild the Town",
"Redoubled Force",
"Saw Further and Deeper",
"Secret Ways",
"Seek without Success",
"Seized by Terror",
"Smoke Rings",
"Stirring Bones",
"Sudden Fury",
"The Moon Is Dead",
"Two or Three Tribes Present",
"When You Know More",
"Which Might Be Lies",
"Wound of Long Burden",
"Tribal Banner"
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Posts: 2816
Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2018 3:10 am
Location: California

CDavis7M wrote: Fri Oct 16, 2020 3:48 am
TWUncommonSheetNoSites = [

"Olog-hai (Trolls)",

In order for this to paste into CardNum, the Olog-hai should be formatted as:

"Olog-hai - Trolls",
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Posts: 2816
Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2018 3:10 am
Location: California

There were a few more issues with the Parenthesis cards not copying to CardNum.

But also a few issues mixing up commons and uncommons, and CAs and CBs. (call of home). I've cross checking the lists using those from Well, I only cross-checked METW, METD, and MEDM. I'll do the rest later. I should check the books also.

METW, METD, and MEDM should all be accurate and should all copy and paste fine into Card Num.

I'll add version 1.1 to the original post.
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Posts: 2816
Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2018 3:10 am
Location: California

And here are a few more sample Sealed Decks, at least for the first round.

These can be copied into Card Num.

Code: Select all

-= The Wizards Starter Deck  1 =-
Fixed Pack:
1 Gates of Morning (TW)
1 Radagast [H] (TW)
1 Gandalf [H] (TW)
1 Bard Bowman (TW)
1 Peath (TW)
1 Glorfindel II (TW)
1 Faramir (TW)
1 Kili (TW)
1 Dunlendings (TW)
1 Rangers of Ithilien (TW)
1 Doors of Night (TW)
Uncommons (9):
1 Éowyn (TW)
1 Barliman Butterbur (TW)
1 Sting (TW)
1 Corsairs of Umbar (TW)
1 "Bert" - Bûrat (TW)
1 Wizard's River-horses (TW)
1 Align Palantír (TW)
1 Quiet Lands (TW)
1 Treebeard (TW)
Rares (3):
1 Galva (TW)
1 Traitor (TW)
1 The Pale Sword (TW)
Commons (40):
1 Awaken Minions (TW)
1 Far-sight (TW)
1 Giant (TW)
1 Despair of the Heart (TW)
1 Reforging (TW)
1 Beautiful Gold Ring (TW)
1 Elven Cloak (TW)
1 Shield of Iron-bound Ash (TW)
1 Weariness of the Heart (TW)
1 Twilight (TW)
1 Test of Form (TW)
1 Wargs (TW)
1 Healing Herbs (TW)
1 Orc-warriors (TW)
1 Beautiful Gold Ring (TW)
1 Orc-guard (TW)
1 River (TW)
1 Lure of Nature (TW)
1 Test of Lore (TW)
1 Test of Lore (TW)
1 Fellowship (TW)
1 Wolves (TW)
1 Dodge (TW)
1 Fell Winter (TW)
1 Fair Gold Ring (TW)
1 Shield of Iron-bound Ash (TW)
1 Giant Spiders (TW)
1 Ghosts (TW)
1 Orc-warband (TW)
1 Miruvor (TW)
1 Dagger of Westernesse (TW)
1 Wargs (TW)
1 Fair Gold Ring (TW)
1 Dreams of Lore (TW)
1 Thorough Search (TW)
1 Orc-patrol (TW)
1 Vanishment (TW)
1 Sword of Gondolin (TW)
1 Concealment (TW)
1 Precious Gold Ring (TW)

-= The Wizards Booster Pack  1 =-
Uncommons (3):
1 Watcher in the Water (TW)
1 New Moon (TW)
1 Star-glass (TW)
Rare (1):
1 Dwarven Ring of Dwálin's Tribe [H] (TW)
Commons (11):
1 Test of Form (TW)
1 Háma (TW)
1 Huorn (TW)
1 Lure of Expedience (TW)
1 Precious Gold Ring (TW)
1 Weariness of the Heart (TW)
1 Lost in Border-lands (TW)
1 Fell Winter (TW)
1 Fellowship (TW)
1 Healing Herbs (TW)
1 Ambusher (TW)

-= The Wizards Booster Pack  2 =-
Uncommons (3):
1 Sting (TW)
1 Wacho (TW)
1 Durin's Axe (TW)
Rare (1):
1 Return of the King (TW)
Commons (11):
1 Vôteli (TW)
1 Bofur (TW)
1 Risky Blow (TW)
1 Secret Passage (TW)
1 Huorn (TW)
1 Dreams of Lore (TW)
1 Halfling Strength (TW)
1 Wargs (TW)
1 Dreams of Lore (TW)
1 Precious Gold Ring (TW)
1 Weariness of the Heart (TW)

-= The Wizards Booster Pack  3 =-
Uncommons (3):
1 Palantír of Elostirion [H] (TW)
1 Pippin (TW)
1 Magic Ring of Courage (TW)
Rare (1):
1 Denethor II (TW)
Commons (11):
1 A Friend or Three (TW)
1 Weariness of the Heart (TW)
1 Healing Herbs (TW)
1 Fell Winter (TW)
1 Rescue Prisoners (TW)
1 Fair Travels in Border-lands (TW)
1 Huorn (TW)
1 Wargs (TW)
1 Anduin River (TW)
1 Elven Cloak (TW)
1 Lure of Expedience (TW)

Code: Select all

-= The Wizards Starter Deck  1 =-
Fixed Pack:
1 Gates of Morning (TW)
1 Radagast [H] (TW)
1 Gandalf [H] (TW)
1 Bard Bowman (TW)
1 Peath (TW)
1 Glorfindel II (TW)
1 Faramir (TW)
1 Kili (TW)
1 Dunlendings (TW)
1 Rangers of Ithilien (TW)
1 Doors of Night (TW)
Uncommons (9):
1 Sting (TW)
1 Wizard's River-horses (TW)
1 Éowyn (TW)
1 Dwarven Ring of Thrár's Tribe [H] (TW)
1 Palantír of Orthanc [H] (TW)
1 Lossoth (TW)
1 Merry (TW)
1 Glamdring (TW)
1 Lesser Ring (TW)
Rares (3):
1 Morgul Night (TW)
1 Palantír of Annúminas [H] (TW)
1 Palantír of Amon Sûl [H] (TW)
Commons (40):
1 Orc-raiders (TW)
1 Thorough Search (TW)
1 Horses (TW)
1 Night (TW)
1 Healing Herbs (TW)
1 Fellowship (TW)
1 Beautiful Gold Ring (TW)
1 Gloom (TW)
1 Orc-patrol (TW)
1 Escape (TW)
1 Arouse Minions (TW)
1 Lure of Nature (TW)
1 Dagger of Westernesse (TW)
1 Elven Cloak (TW)
1 Orc-patrol (TW)
1 Healing Herbs (TW)
1 Fair Travels in Border-lands (TW)
1 Lure of Nature (TW)
1 Foul Fumes (TW)
1 Dagger of Westernesse (TW)
1 Risky Blow (TW)
1 Lost in Border-lands (TW)
1 Orc-watch (TW)
1 Ambusher (TW)
1 Lost in Shadow-lands (TW)
1 Giant Spiders (TW)
1 Fair Travels in Wilderness (TW)
1 Muster (TW)
1 Great-road (TW)
1 Rescue Prisoners (TW)
1 Brigands (TW)
1 Awaken Minions (TW)
1 Ghosts (TW)
1 Arouse Minions (TW)
1 Shield of Iron-bound Ash (TW)
1 Orc-warriors (TW)
1 Dark Quarrels (TW)
1 Long Winter (TW)
1 Half-trolls of Far Harad (TW)
1 Lucky Strike (TW)

-= The Wizards Booster Pack  1 =-
Uncommons (3):
1 Beretar (TW)
1 Magic Ring of Lore (TW)
1 Woses of the Drúadan Forest (TW)
Rare (1):
1 Hoarmûrath of Dír (TW)
Commons (11):
1 Cave-drake (TW)
1 Test of Form (TW)
1 Tempering Friendship (TW)
1 Awaken Minions (TW)
1 Orc-raiders (TW)
1 Giant (TW)
1 Forlong (TW)
1 Half-trolls of Far Harad (TW)
1 Old Road (TW)
1 Nori (TW)
1 Ash Mountains (TW)

-= The Wizards Booster Pack  2 =-
Uncommons (3):
1 Orcrist (TW)
1 Torque of Hues (TW)
1 Palantír of Elostirion [H] (TW)
Rare (1):
1 Wizard's Ring (TW)
Commons (11):
1 Shield of Iron-bound Ash (TW)
1 Half-trolls of Far Harad (TW)
1 Arouse Denizens (TW)
1 Lost in Shadow-lands (TW)
1 Orc-patrol (TW)
1 Greed (TW)
1 Fair Travels in Wilderness (TW)
1 Arouse Minions (TW)
1 Healing Herbs (TW)
1 Dreams of Lore (TW)
1 Arouse Minions (TW)

-= The Wizards Booster Pack  3 =-
Uncommons (3):
1 The Evenstar (TW)
1 Men of Northern Rhovanion (TW)
1 Gamling the Old (TW)
Rare (1):
1 The Balance of Things (TW)
Commons (11):
1 Lordly Presence (TW)
1 Orc-raiders (TW)
1 Cave-drake (TW)
1 Tempering Friendship (TW)
1 Reforging (TW)
1 Horses (TW)
1 Mountains of Shadow (TW)
1 A Chance Meeting (TW)
1 Healing Herbs (TW)
1 Horn of Anor (TW)
1 Night (TW)

Code: Select all

-= The Wizards Starter Deck  1 =-
Fixed Pack:
1 Gates of Morning (TW)
1 Saruman [H] (TW)
1 Pallando [H] (TW)
1 Aragorn II (TW)
1 Boromir II (TW)
1 Kili (TW)
1 Elladan (TW)
1 Annalena (TW)
1 Rangers of the North (TW)
1 Men of Anorien (TW)
1 Doors of Night (TW)
Uncommons (9):
1 Men of Lamedon (TW)
1 Praise to Elbereth (TW)
1 Sun (TW)
1 Palantír of Orthanc [H] (TW)
1 Treebeard (TW)
1 Bill the Pony (TW)
1 Watcher in the Water (TW)
1 Corsairs of Umbar (TW)
1 Fíli (TW)
Rares (3):
1 Fell Turtle (TW)
1 Elf-song (TW)
1 Thorin II (TW)
Commons (40):
1 Test of Lore (TW)
1 Long Winter (TW)
1 Risky Blow (TW)
1 Arouse Minions (TW)
1 Twilight (TW)
1 Corpse-candle (TW)
1 Beautiful Gold Ring (TW)
1 Precious Gold Ring (TW)
1 Fellowship (TW)
1 Dagger of Westernesse (TW)
1 Lure of Expedience (TW)
1 Fell Winter (TW)
1 Orc-warband (TW)
1 Fair Gold Ring (TW)
1 Weariness of the Heart (TW)
1 Sword of Gondolin (TW)
1 Giant (TW)
1 Fair Travels in Shadow-lands (TW)
1 Brigands (TW)
1 Orc-raiders (TW)
1 Concealment (TW)
1 Twilight (TW)
1 Dark Quarrels (TW)
1 Ambusher (TW)
1 Kindling of the Spirit (TW)
1 Awaken Minions (TW)
1 Lure of Nature (TW)
1 Awaken Minions (TW)
1 Muster (TW)
1 Dreams of Lore (TW)
1 River (TW)
1 Giant Spiders (TW)
1 Far-sight (TW)
1 Wizard's Test (TW)
1 Stealth (TW)
1 Muster Disperses (TW)
1 Dreams of Lore (TW)
1 Vanishment (TW)
1 Dagger of Westernesse (TW)
1 Lost in Border-lands (TW)

-= The Wizards Booster Pack  1 =-
Uncommons (3):
1 Wizard's River-horses (TW)
1 Cracks of Doom (TW)
1 Men of Anfalas (TW)
Rare (1):
1 The Balance of Things (TW)
Commons (11):
1 Arouse Minions (TW)
1 Dwalin (TW)
1 Corpse-candle (TW)
1 Muster (TW)
1 Lure of Nature (TW)
1 Fair Travels in Wilderness (TW)
1 Fellowship (TW)
1 Lure of the Senses (TW)
1 Lost in the Wilderness (TW)
1 Fellowship (TW)
1 Fair Travels in Border-lands (TW)

-= The Wizards Booster Pack  2 =-
Uncommons (3):
1 Sapling of the White Tree (TW)
1 Mablung (TW)
1 Old Man Willow (TW)
Rare (1):
1 Shelob (TW)
Commons (11):
1 Cave-drake (TW)
1 Orc-patrol (TW)
1 Elven Cloak (TW)
1 Bofur (TW)
1 Dwalin (TW)
1 Fair Gold Ring (TW)
1 Arouse Denizens (TW)
1 Reforging (TW)
1 Orc-patrol (TW)
1 Fair Gold Ring (TW)
1 Arouse Minions (TW)

-= The Wizards Booster Pack  3 =-
Uncommons (3):
1 Wacho (TW)
1 Ringlore (TW)
1 Plague of Wights (TW)
Rare (1):
1 Indûr Dawndeath (TW)
Commons (11):
1 Kindling of the Spirit (TW)
1 Vanishment (TW)
1 Half-trolls of Far Harad (TW)
1 Orophin (TW)
1 Lost in the Wilderness (TW)
1 Precious Gold Ring (TW)
1 Despair of the Heart (TW)
1 Háma (TW)
1 Reforging (TW)
1 Ash Mountains (TW)
1 Potion of Prowess (TW)

Code: Select all

-= The Wizards Starter Deck  1 =-
Fixed Pack:
1 Gates of Morning (TW)
1 Radagast [H] (TW)
1 Alatar [H] (TW)
1 Celeborn (TW)
1 Elrohir (TW)
1 Robin Smallburrow (TW)
1 Theoden (TW)
1 Adrazar (TW)
1 Riders of Rohan (TW)
1 Tower Guard of Minas Tirith (TW)
1 Doors of Night (TW)
Uncommons (9):
1 Sun (TW)
1 Durin's Axe (TW)
1 Palantír of Elostirion [H] (TW)
1 Cracks of Doom (TW)
1 Legolas (TW)
1 Barliman Butterbur (TW)
1 Damrod (TW)
1 Bill the Pony (TW)
1 Bombur (TW)
Rares (3):
1 Narya (TW)
1 Gwaihir (TW)
1 Fell Turtle (TW)
Commons (40):
1 Huorn (TW)
1 Orc-patrol (TW)
1 Far-sight (TW)
1 Elven Cloak (TW)
1 Fellowship (TW)
1 Lost in Free-domains (TW)
1 River (TW)
1 Hauberk of Bright Mail (TW)
1 Dreams of Lore (TW)
1 Brigands (TW)
1 Dreams of Lore (TW)
1 Cave-drake (TW)
1 Great-road (TW)
1 Shield of Iron-bound Ash (TW)
1 Escape (TW)
1 Sword of Gondolin (TW)
1 Potion of Prowess (TW)
1 Reforging (TW)
1 Wargs (TW)
1 Secret Passage (TW)
1 Block (TW)
1 Wolves (TW)
1 Dagger of Westernesse (TW)
1 Lure of Expedience (TW)
1 Slayer (TW)
1 Orc-warriors (TW)
1 Abductor (TW)
1 Beautiful Gold Ring (TW)
1 Beautiful Gold Ring (TW)
1 Despair of the Heart (TW)
1 Orc-raiders (TW)
1 Dark Quarrels (TW)
1 Thorough Search (TW)
1 Orc-raiders (TW)
1 Muster (TW)
1 Weariness of the Heart (TW)
1 River (TW)
1 Horses (TW)
1 Twilight (TW)
1 Fair Travels in Border-lands (TW)

-= The Wizards Booster Pack  1 =-
Uncommons (3):
1 "William" - Wûluag (TW)
1 Éowyn (TW)
1 Leaflock (TW)
Rare (1):
1 Dwarven Ring of Drúin's Tribe [H] (TW)
Commons (11):
1 Orc-patrol (TW)
1 Slayer (TW)
1 Bifur (TW)
1 Dodge (TW)
1 Awaken Minions (TW)
1 Orophin (TW)
1 Anduin River (TW)
1 Lordly Presence (TW)
1 River (TW)
1 Reforging (TW)
1 A Chance Meeting (TW)

-= The Wizards Booster Pack  2 =-
Uncommons (3):
1 Legolas (TW)
1 Red Book of Westmarch [H] (TW)
1 Balin [H] (TW)
Rare (1):
1 Silent Watcher (TW)
Commons (11):
1 Weariness of the Heart (TW)
1 Shield of Iron-bound Ash (TW)
1 Old Friendship (TW)
1 Tempering Friendship (TW)
1 Muster Disperses (TW)
1 Concealment (TW)
1 Dagger of Westernesse (TW)
1 Vôteli (TW)
1 Stealth (TW)
1 Arouse Denizens (TW)
1 Misty Mountains (TW)

-= The Wizards Booster Pack  3 =-
Uncommons (3):
1 Orc-lieutenant (TW)
1 Knights of Dol Amroth (TW)
1 Athelas (TW)
Rare (1):
1 Bilbo (TW)
Commons (11):
1 Huorn (TW)
1 Halfling Stealth (TW)
1 Persuasive Words (TW)
1 Hauberk of Bright Mail (TW)
1 Vanishment (TW)
1 Horn of Anor (TW)
1 Abductor (TW)
1 Ash Mountains (TW)
1 Kindling of the Spirit (TW)
1 Dwalin (TW)
1 Lost in the Wilderness (TW)

Code: Select all

-= The Wizards Starter Deck  1 =-
Fixed Pack:
1 Gates of Morning (TW)
1 Alatar [H] (TW)
1 Saruman [H] (TW)
1 Beregond (TW)
1 Beorn (TW)
1 Bard Bowman (TW)
1 Gimli (TW)
1 Annalena (TW)
1 Iron Hill Dwarves (TW)
1 Beornings (TW)
1 Doors of Night (TW)
Uncommons (9):
1 "William" - Wûluag (TW)
1 Great-shield of Rohan (TW)
1 Orcrist (TW)
1 Woses of the Drúadan Forest (TW)
1 Magic Ring of Nature (TW)
1 Narsil (TW)
1 Moon (TW)
1 Align Palantír (TW)
1 Gollum (TW)
Rares (3):
1 Balrog of Moria (TW)
1 Assassin (TW)
1 Arwen (TW)
Commons (40):
1 Orc-watch (TW)
1 Despair of the Heart (TW)
1 Arouse Denizens (TW)
1 Test of Lore (TW)
1 Fair Gold Ring (TW)
1 Potion of Prowess (TW)
1 Stealth (TW)
1 Healing Herbs (TW)
1 Giant Spiders (TW)
1 Wizard's Test (TW)
1 Greed (TW)
1 Muster Disperses (TW)
1 Wargs (TW)
1 Beautiful Gold Ring (TW)
1 Brigands (TW)
1 Rescue Prisoners (TW)
1 Orc-raiders (TW)
1 Arouse Denizens (TW)
1 Horses (TW)
1 Fell Winter (TW)
1 Fair Travels in Shadow-lands (TW)
1 Fair Travels in Border-lands (TW)
1 Ghosts (TW)
1 Great-road (TW)
1 Awaken Denizens (TW)
1 Lost in Border-lands (TW)
1 Weariness of the Heart (TW)
1 Lost in the Wilderness (TW)
1 Fellowship (TW)
1 Orc-warband (TW)
1 Test of Form (TW)
1 Fair Gold Ring (TW)
1 Concealment (TW)
1 Orc-warriors (TW)
1 Wargs (TW)
1 Ford (TW)
1 Slayer (TW)
1 Orc-patrol (TW)
1 Twilight (TW)
1 Risky Blow (TW)

-= The Wizards Booster Pack  1 =-
Uncommons (3):
1 Moon (TW)
1 The Burden of Time (TW)
1 Men of Lebennin (TW)
Rare (1):
1 Narya (TW)
Commons (11):
1 Beautiful Gold Ring (TW)
1 Awaken Minions (TW)
1 Ghouls (TW)
1 Vanishment (TW)
1 Orc-guard (TW)
1 Bifur (TW)
1 Lost in the Wilderness (TW)
1 Muster Disperses (TW)
1 Anduin River (TW)
1 Ori (TW)
1 Abductor (TW)

-= The Wizards Booster Pack  2 =-
Uncommons (3):
1 The Great Eagles (TW)
1 Magic Ring of Words (TW)
1 Narsil (TW)
Rare (1):
1 Favor of the Valar (TW)
Commons (11):
1 Lost in Shadow-lands (TW)
1 Secret Passage (TW)
1 Miruvor (TW)
1 Wizard's Test (TW)
1 Test of Lore (TW)
1 Elf-stone (TW)
1 Old Road (TW)
1 Persuasive Words (TW)
1 Hauberk of Bright Mail (TW)
1 Awaken Minions (TW)
1 Crebain (TW)

-= The Wizards Booster Pack  3 =-
Uncommons (3):
1 Merry (TW)
1 The Ring's Betrayal (TW)
1 Moon (TW)
Rare (1):
1 True Fána (TW)
Commons (11):
1 Brigands (TW)
1 Old Friendship (TW)
1 Lost in Shadow-lands (TW)
1 Halfling Strength (TW)
1 Wolves (TW)
1 Awaken Denizens (TW)
1 Tempering Friendship (TW)
1 Elf-stone (TW)
1 Ori (TW)
1 Elf-stone (TW)
1 Wargs (TW)
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Here is the current version of the generator. It will generate a webpage of the sealed packs. Change the .txt to .py and redirect the output to an html file using the command line:
UserName\Desktop>ren MECCGSealedGeneratorHTML.txt
UserName\Desktop>python > SealedTest.html
SealedHTML.PNG (517.9 KiB) Viewed 7072 times
(109.22 KiB) Downloaded 376 times
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I refactored the code a little and added the ability generate The Lidless Eye, Against the Shadow, and The White Hand.

Two other minor changes:
* Added option (default) to print to file, named based on generation time.
* Changed how TW booster samples commons to make its distribution of the non-site commons have the same expected frequency as the original packs (about 14% more than previous versions).

I'll let CDavis7M decide what version number this warrants.

The forums actually disallow .py extensions entirely and also apparently filters .txt files for code. Interested members can message on Discord for a copy.
Last edited by Theo on Mon Jun 07, 2021 3:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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this is really good stuff!
“The wide world is all about you: you can fence yourselves in, but you cannot forever fence it out.”
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I've added all sets and made a port to html for a no-download-required browser version. Check it out here: ... rator.html

(This version handles the lack of sites and regions a little differently from the earlier versions: the number of cards of each rarity in a pack is reduced to be the smallest that still gives at least as many as the original packs did on expectation.)

Looking forward to using it for the cardnum event this summer!
Last edited by Theo on Mon May 15, 2023 6:23 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Wahouuuuu such a great job !

Congrats !
Casual player forever !
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Very well done. I like it.

I got Elves of Lindon and a Dwarven ring...
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Seed 0, right? Change the seed for different packs.

It was important for me to have deterministic reproducibility so that I could prove to event participants that I didn't hand-pick them a bad collection.
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I've revamped the entire database and can now support some more interesting options (by selecting the "adjustments" box) ... rator.html

Most options are probably intuitive by generating with one or two seeds,just ways to add bonus promos, characters, and common MP resources, or bonus common allies if the collection didn't get enough. Here I wanted to describe my Mixed Fixed packs.

A few of us playing the sealed tournaments on cardnum independently thought about wanting to randomize the fixed pack associations a bit more to reduce strategy predictability and multiple unique conflicts between players arising from the original TW/LE fixed packs. I know a few folks have played around with VERY random packs of the fixed pack style by incorporating cards with other rarities so that conflicts would be highly unlikely, but my approach here was to start by getting more randomization with minimal disruption to card distributions. I draw only from the original fixed cards, and everything (ignoring sites) has the same expected frequency as it would from drawing from the original packs (except The Witch-King is slightly lower, which I plan to fix at some point). So unique conflicts between players might be just as likely on average, but at least evened out so that it's very unlikely to receive exactly the same fixed pack as an opponent and have potentially all characters and factions conflict in the same game.

For METW, it is impossible to get a repeat of a character or two 3 MP characters in the same fixed pack, and if the first character+faction pair is only 5 MP then the second pair is 4 MP instead of 3 MP. The steps in detail are:
  1. Pick 2 different from: {Alatar, Gandalf, Pallando, Radagast, Saruman}
  2. Pick 1 from:
    {[Aragorn II + Rangers of the North],
    [Thranduil + Wood-elves],
    [Gimli + Iron Hill Dwarves],
    [Theoden + Riders of Rohan],
    [Faramir + Rangers of Ithilien]}
    1. If (B) was one of the first 3 (total 6 MP), pick 1 from:
      {[Boromir II + Men of Anorien],
      [Peath + Dunlendings],
      [Adrazar + Tower Guard of Minas Tirith]}
    2. Else (if (B) was one of the last 2, total 5 MP), pick 1 from:
      {[Beorn + Beornings],
      [Robin Smallburrow + Ents of Fangorn]}
    1. If (B) was one of the first 2 (3 MP character), pick 1 from: {Elladan, Elrohir, Gildor Inglorion, Celeborn}
    2. If (B) was one of the last 3 (2 MP character), pick 1 from: {Elladan, Elrohir, Gildor Inglorion, Celeborn, Glorfindel II, Glorfindel II} (repeat intentional)
  3. Pick 1 from: {Annalena, Kili, Bard Bowman, Beregond, Erkenbrand}
  4. Pick 1 new from: {Annalena, Kili, Bard Bowman, Boromir II, Robin Smallburrow}
  5. Add all of: {Gates of Morning, Doors of Night}

For MELE, it is impossible to get The Witch-king twice, or more than 20 MP of characters, and the man + orc factions are always 5 MP.
  1. Pick 2 different from: {The Witch-king, The Witch-king, Dwar the Ringwraith, Hoarmûrath the Ringwraith, Khamûl the Ringwraith, Akhôrahil the Ringwraith, Ren the Ringwraith, Adûnaphel the Ringwraith, Ûvatha the Ringwraith, Indûr the Ringwraith}
  2. Pick 1 from:
    {[Pon Opar + Southrons],
    [Asternak + Variags of Khand],
    [Nevido Smôd + Easterlings],
    [Layos + Men of Dorwinion],
    [Odoacer + Woodmen]}
  3. Pick 1 from: {Shagrat, Gorbag, Troll-chief, Orc Captain, Orc Chieftain}
    1. If (B) was one of the first 3 (2 MP faction), pick 1 from: {Orcs of Moria, Orcs of Gundabad, Grey Mountain Goblins}
    2. If (B) was one of the last 2 (3 MP faction), pick 1 from: {Goblins of Goblin-gate, Orcs of Mirkwood}
    1. If picked Pon Opar and one of the 6-mind leaders, pick 1 from: {Grishnákh, Muzgash, Ostisen, Luitprand}
    2. Otherwise, with 85/88 chance, pick 1 from: {Jerrek, Grishnákh, Muzgash, Ostisen, Luitprand}, or with 3/88 chance pick Jerrek (to make up for exclusion when mind is too high)
  4. Add all of: {Orc Tracker, Orc Veteran, Sudden Call, The Least of Gold Rings}
  5. Pick 1 of: {Magic Ring of Guile, Magic Ring of Enigma, Magic Ring of Savagery, Magic Ring of Fury, Magic Ring of Lies}
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Just a heads up that I changed the address of my generator for better organization. I've updated the links above.
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The generator now has the option to automatically trade cards in random packs that would put your collection over the max playset. The autotrader will select replacements from the same print sheet (rarity first letter). No more 2x Morannon and 5x Arouse Denizens, much rejoicing! ... toexchange

This creates a little weirdness on distributions when cards are reprinted in later expansions. For example, with large collections of METW and METD, many of the hazards in MELE will be traded in, biasing the distribution toward resources and characters. If this is undesired, I also have a sub-option to auto-exchange only when exceeding the max playset per expansion.
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