
2023-05-03 – Hello, dear friends of Middle Earth!

The new Council of Elrond (CoE) is already working hard and we have some nice news for you today!


The Rules Oversight Committee (ROC) has developed a new system in order to offer official answers to the many not-yet-answered rules and card interaction questions that arise during our games so that they can be used during CoE-sanctioned events.
First, we have opened a new email address where you can send your rules questions. However, before sending your question, please first:
  • Read the current rules carefully.
  • Check the CRF, a document containing rulings, clarifications, and errata.
  • Check the Rules Digests to see if your question has already been answered.
  • Check the different channels where players answer rules questions (Council of Elrond forumDiscord GroupFacebook GroupBGG site, etc) Many questions are already answered there.
  • Make sure your question is based on actual situations that could happen in a game; finding impossibly weird card interactions might be fun, but the ROC has to prioritize actual problems that might arise during tournament games.

If you still can’t find the answer to your question, or you think you need an official answer, you can send it to the ROC via this address:

When we receive your question, the ROC members will add it to their to-do list and do their best to find a proper answer. Whenever we have a batch of questions and answers ready to be published, we will publish them in the form of a new Digest, but as a draft first. We’ll publish this draft in the Council of Elrond forum, and leave the topic open so players from outside the ROC can contribute with their opinions. However, there are certain rules:

  • The thread will be open for 2 weeks.
  • There will be a maximum of one reply per forum user, and that reply cannot be edited. We want to actively avoid starting “flame wars”, so please speak your peace, let others speak their peace, and that’s it.
  • After the 2-week review period, the ROC will carefully consider everyone’s contributions, revise the draft as appropriate, and then the Digest will be published and official

The ROC is already working on two important projects:

  • A new Rules Compendium that contains all of the rules from this game in one well-organized document.
  • An online card database that will contain updated card texts along with citations to the CRF, and answers to Frequently Asked Questions about that particular card.


After over 20 years, we have published a new version of the CRF. This new version is number 17 and it contains:

  • Rulings that were made by the CoE but not transcribed into the CRF.
  • Correction of some erroneous entries on CRF 16.
  • Recovery of some lost entries from CRF 15.
  • Complete Errata Listing and Rulings Monday sections have been integrated and removed
  • CoE Issued Errata as a result of the Annual Rules Votation from years 2012-2018
  • Minor adjustments.
We are also working on many different rules issues and will soon start publishing new rules digests, that will be implemented in CRF 18 and/or the card database.
Thank you for your support as we work to uphold the amazing legacy of this great game. Onward!

2023-02-05 – We have now elected a new Council for the 2023-2025 term! Please welcome your new Council Members. You can find the updated list on our home page under About Us / Current Council Membe

2019-04-21 – We have now elected a new Council for the 2019-2021 term! Please welcome your new Council Members. You can find the updated list on our home page under About Us / Current Council Members. 

2018-06-15 –  The 2018 Annual Rules Vote is now underway! If you are an active player of MECCG and would like to cast your votes for or against proposed rules changes, please login to your forum account and register here: 2018 Registration. The vote will run through Tuesday, June 26th. 

2018-02-04 – A new Charter revision has been passed and has been uploaded to the home page under the About Us / Charter section. Please familiarize yourself with it. Many thanks to all of those who contributed by taking the time to read the Charter revision and cast a vote!

2017-05-25 –  The forum is now up and running. Renovations are still taking place, but you should be able to login to your account and make posts. Thanks for your patience during our outage period.

2017-05-15 –  We are still working to get the new forum software up and running. The difficulty has been with importing the old forum and all of its contents over to the new, updated forum software. We are hoping for a successful resolution to this soon.

Simultaneously, we are working with the old web host to get the old forum up and running to be used in the interim until the new forum is ready. As previously mentioned, the old server went down unexpectedly and was out of our control. While the old host was able to recover the forum and make it available to us again for use, it was very buggy and incomplete. He is currently trying to fix this and as soon as it is presentable, we will link it to our forum tab on this web page. 

Sorry for the extended absence of the forum and thank you for your patience!

2017-05-05 – You may have noticed the CoE webpage and forum have been unavailable for the past week. While the timing is quite a coincidence due to the fact we had scheduled the forum to be down for a few days from May 5 – May 7 while we transition to the new web page, this outage was unrelated to our scheduled maintenance and transition. We were informed by the old website host that his servers went down unexpectedly and as a result the forum, home page and GCCG were also down.  Unfortunately we didn’t have any advanced notice to make you aware of this outage. Thanks for your patience. 

2017-05-04 – Welcome to the new Council of Elrond web page! If you are a first time visitor, please utilize the forum to register an account. This website is a work in progress so please check back regularly for updates!